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International Cooperation to Combat Cyber Crime and Terrorism

Conference Agenda

Monday, December 6, 1999
John Raisian, Hoover Institution
1:15 pm Session One: Dimensions of the Problem. (Evaluation of the nature of cyber crimes, including terrorist acts, their costs, and how they threaten cyber commerce and critical national and international infrastructure.)
SPEAKER: Peter G. Neumann, SRI: Dimensions of the Problem
PANELISTS: Richard Power, Computer Security Institute: Estimating the Cost of Cyber Crime
Alan B. Carroll, National Infrastructure Protection Ctr., FBI: Cyber Terrorism
2:15 pm Session Two: International Response to Cyber Crime. (Outline of legal initiatives around the world to combat cyber crime and consideration of the extent of consensus reflected by those initiatives, including prohibited categories of acts that are candidates for an international agreement.)
SPEAKERS: Marc D. Goodman, Hoover/CISAC: The Emerging Consensus on Criminal Conduct in Cyberspace
Dietrich Neumann, EU: European Perspective
George C. C. Chen, Tsai, Lee & Chen, Taiwan: Asian Perspective
Susan Brenner, University of Dayton School of Law: US Survey
Drew Arena, US Dept. of Justice: Multilateral Initiatives
3:45 pm BREAK
4:15 pm Session Three: Threatened Infrastructure -- Civil Aviation as an Example. (Civil air travel is a major world infrastructure, increasingly dependent on information technologies. The universal desire for safe air travel has enabled a worldwide consensus to prohibit acts endangering civilian aircraft in international treaties. This Session will examine the potential contribution of treaties in combating threats to essential aviation information systems.)
MODERATOR: Seymour E. Goodman, CRISP
SPEAKER: Hal Whiteman, Transport Canada: The Seriousness of the Cyber Threat to Airline Security and the Importance of International Cooperation
PANELISTS: Vidyut Patel, US FAA: The Civil Aviation Information System Infrastructure and International Interdependence
Peter G. Neumann, SRI: Civil Aviation IS at Risk
Mariano-Florentino Cuellar, Stanford: International Aviation Agreements on Terrorism as Precedents
5:30 pm BREAK
6:30 pm Reception at the Stanford Faculty Club
7:15 pm Dinner in the Main Dining Room, Stanford Faculty Club
8:15 pm DINNER SPEAKER: William J. Perry, Hoover Institution/CISAC
INTRODUCED BY: John Raisian, Hoover Institution

Tuesday, December 7, 1999
8:30 am Continental Breakfast
9:00 am Session Four: The Technology of Cooperation. (Consideration of existing and potential uses of technologies through international cooperation to deter, prevent, identify, investigate, and prosecute consensus cyber crimes.)
MODERATOR: John Markoff, New York Times
SPEAKERS: Robert E. Kahn, Corporation for National Research Initiatives: The Role of Technology
Steven D. Rizzi, Science Applications International Corp.: The Limits of Technology
Thomas A. Longstaff, Carnegie Mellon University: Trends in Network Attacks
Raymond C. Parks, Sandia National Laboratories: Cyber Terrorism Modeling
Joseph Betser, Aerospace Corp.: Tracking Cyber Attacks
William R. Cheswick, Lucent Technologies: Forensic Challenges.
10:15 am BREAK
10:45 am Session Five: Proposed Technological Measures. (Description and discussion of specific measures to achieve security objectives through international technological cooperation.)
MODERATOR: Stephen J. Lukasik, CRISP
SPEAKERS: K. C. Claffy, San Diego SuperComputer Center, UCSD: Understanding Internet Traffic
Barry Raveendran Greene, Cisco Systems: Role of Router Hardware and Software
Randall E. Smith, Boeing: Network Intrusion Detection
Michael Erlinger, Harvey Mudd College/Internet Engineering Task Force: Internet Protocols
Clifford Neuman, USC/Information Sciences Institute: Distributed Authentication Mechanism
12:00 pm Lunch outside Stauffer Auditorium
1:00 pm KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Raisuke Miyawaki, Ochanomizu Associates, Tokyo
INTRODUCED BY: Seymour E. Goodman, CRISP
1:45 pm Session Six: Constraints on Technological Cooperation. (Consideration of constitutional, legal, economic, and ethical constraints on use of technology to control cyber crime. Focus will be on the application of concepts such as privacy, probable cause, etc. to the realities of modern information systems and the proposals made in Session Five.)
MODERATOR: George L. Fisher, Stanford Law School
SPEAKERS: Barry Steinhardt, ACLU
Dorothy Denning, Georgetown University
Caspar Bowden, Foundation for Information Policy Research, London
David J. Thelander, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.
Whitfield Diffie, Sun Microsystems
Boaz Gutman, Israeli National Police
3:15 pm BREAK
3:45 pm Session Seven: Legal Mechanisms for International Cooperation. (Discussion of mechanisms for cooperation in draft international convention, including provisions related to jurisdiction, evidentiary cooperation, extradition, assistance to cooperating states, sanctions for non-cooperation.)
MODERATOR: Abraham D. Sofaer, Hoover Institution
SPEAKER: Ariel T. Sobelman, Jaffee Center, Tel Aviv University: The Case for an International Treaty on Cybercrime.
PANELISTS: Gregory D. Grove, CRISP: Defining Consensus Crimes
Jack L. Goldsmith, University of Chicago School of Law: Resolving Jurisdictional Conflicts
Stein Schjolberg, Chief Judge, Moss City, Norway: Protecting Privacy and Other Rights
5:15 pm Session Eight: Wrap-Up Presentation by Conference Co-Chairs.
5:30 pm Conference Ends

