Polisi Indonesia Menangkap 2 Orang Diduga Menggunakan Internet Mendukung Teroris




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Polri Tangkap 2 Tersangka Cyber Terrorism anshar.net


23 Agustus 2006


polri.go.id - Jakarta, Polisi telah menangkap 2 tersangka cyber terrorism dalam pembuatan situs http://www.anshar.net. Penangkapan dilakukan di Semarang pada 12 dan 16 Agustus 2006 lalu.

Demikian diungkapkan Kanit V Cyber Crime Direktorat II Bareskrim Mabes Polri Kombes Pol Petrus Goloce kepada wartawan di Mabes Polri, Jalan Trunojoyo, Jakarta Selatan, Rabu (23/8/2006).

"Saat ini mereka ditahan di Rutan Mabes Polri untuk pemeriksaan intensif, mengurai kegiatan jaringan Noordin M Top dalam peledakan bom Bali II, dan hubungannya dengan kegiatan fai dengan teknologi canggih," kata Petrus.

Fai adalah kegiatan merampas harta benda milik orang-orang yang dianggap kafir oleh kelompok Noordin M Top.

Dua orang yang dibekuk tersebut adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Semarang Agung Prabowo alias Max Fiderman (24) pada 12 Agustus 2006 dan Agung Setyadi (30), dosen Fakultas Teknik Informasi Stikubank Semarang.

"Situs itu didesain oleh tersangka Abdul Aziz atas permintaan Noordin M Top untuk menggalang dana. Ini yang disebut fai dengan teknologi canggih," kata Petrus.

Barang bukti yang disita adalah 1 unit laptop, 1 unit bloetooth USB, 6 keping CD dan kartu garansi laptop yang dikirimkan kepada Imam Samudra, terpidana mati bom Bali I.

Situs anshar.net adalah sebuah situs yang digunakan oleh kelompok Noordin M Top untuk menyebarluaskan bahan-bahan peledak dan senjata. Selain itu juga menyebarkan orasi Noordin M. Top serta adegan pelaku bom bunuh diri!









Indonesian Police Arrest 2 Suspects on Cyber-Terrorism


Indonesian police have charged two men with using computer technology to help terrorists linked to the Bali bombings in October of 2002.  One suspect is accused of smuggling a laptop to the alleged ringleader while that man sat on Indonesia's death row.


Police say suspects Agung Prabowo and Agung Setyadi were arrested last week in separate raids in Java province. Indonesian authorities say Setyadi and a prison warden smuggled a laptop computer into the death row cell of Imam Samudra in July of 2005. Samudra is the convicted mastermind of the October 2002 nightclub bombings in Bali. 202 people were killed in those attacks, most of them foreign tourists.


Investigators say Samudra used the laptop to chat from his cell with Setyadi and other Islamic extremists for months. Police say the men's online conversations included how to fraudulently use credit cards online to transfer money for terror attacks.


While those discussions took place, three more bombs exploded in Bali night spots last October.


Samudra and two other men sentenced to die for the 2002 attacks were immediately transferred to a high-security prison.


Agung Prabowo is accused of helping create a web site that outlined the best way to assassinate foreigners in Bali, including shooting people "several times" in the heart and head. 


The head of Indonesia's cyber-crime unit, Colonel Petrus Golose, described Prabowo as a professional hacker. Colonel Golose told reporters Wednesday the latest arrests are proof that terrorists are increasingly savvy about using the Internet to transfer money, rather than relying on couriers working for al-Qaida.


The Bali bombings have been blamed on the Southeast Asian Islamic militant group Jemaah Islamiah. Authorities say it has links to al-Qaida.


Colonel Golose says the odds of another immediate attack have been greatly reduced, following last year's killing of another key suspect, Azahari bin Husin. But he says authorities remain "on alert."




Colonel Petrus Golose The head of Indonesia's cyber-crime unit






(Pol) Drs. Petrus Reinhard Golose



Cyber Crime in Indonesia article by Petrus Golose 8/06