Illicit Website Reported
Since April 2002

  Type Amount % Legend
Pornography (Thai) 12086 34.49 %
Pornography (Foreign) 7391 21.09 %
Child Pornography 1640 4.68 %
Sale of Sex Equipment (Thai) 4164 11.88 %
Sale of Sex Equipment (Foreign) 515 1.47 %
Copyright Infrigement 1437 4.1 %
Illegal Products 1836 5.24 %
Sex Service 888 2.53 %
Illegal Gambling (Thai) 495 1.41 %
Illegal Gambling (Foreign) 162 0.46 %
Threat to National Security 3853 11 %
Others 571 1.63 %
Total      35038 100%
34.49% 21.09% 4.68% 11.88% 1.47% 4.1% 5.24% 2.53% 1.41% 0.46% 11% 1.63%
