Roma - Operazione internazionale antipedofilia "Baleno"



Comando Provinciale di Roma


10/05/2006 Ore 18:00


Oltre 150 persone indagate nel corso di un'indagine internazionale contro la pedofilia on line. Nella mattinata odierna, le Forze di Polizia di Austria, Belgio, Estonia, Francia, Italia, Lituania, Olanda, Rep. Slovacca, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia, Ungheria e Stati Uniti coordinate dall'Ufficio Europeo di Polizia (Europol), sono intervenute simultaneamente, effettuando numerosi arresti e perquisizioni. Oggetto delle indagini un'associazione a delinquere, ramificata e sviluppata in quasi tutto il mondo, con lo scopo di consentire lo scambio di materiale pedo-pornografico. L'operazione, convenzionalmente denominata "Baleno", è stata avviata dal Child Pornography Team della Polizia olandese che ha fornito le prime indicazioni circa l'esistenza di una vasta organizzazione telematica, attiva sulla rete Internet, i cui membri detenevano e distribuivano ingenti quantità di materiale pedo-pornografico. Le prime risultanze investigative sono state raccolte in un dossier che è stato quindi consegnato al quartier generale di Europol a L'Aja, affinché venissero attivate tutte le procedure utili per il coinvolgimento delle Forze di Polizia dei paesi di appartenenza dei sospetti. I membri della comunità virtuale utilizzavano sofisticate tecniche di navigazione anonima e criptazione dei files pedo-pornografici, che venivano poi depositati utilizzando servizi Internet gratuiti. Importante anche la collaborazione sempre più stretta tra Europol e Stati Uniti, dove l'indagine è stata portata a termine dalla Innocent Images Unit dell'FBI. In Italia, l'intera attività investigativa, condotta dalla Sezione Criminalità Informatica del Nucleo Operativo dei Carabinieri di Roma, è stata coordinata dal Pubblico Ministero Dott. Nicola Maiorano della Procura della Repubblica di Roma. La parte italiana vede coinvolte, per il momento, due persone sospettate di appartenere alla comunità virtuale e risultate essersi procurate materiale illecito dai server gestiti dal gruppo. Si tratta di un commerciante cinquantenne di Genova e di un impiegato quarantenne di Salerno.


Swedes seized in international paedophile raid


10th May 2006



Stefan Kronqvist, chef för it-brottssektionen på Rikskriminalpolisen.


Police in 13 EU countries and the US raided around 150 homes on Wednesday morning in a strike against an international online paedophile network. Around ten people were taken into custody, including three in Sweden."There are two men, one in Skåne and one in Västmanland, who, after interviews, are suspected of breaking child pornography laws," said Stefan Kronqvist, head of the police's IT crimes unit.Local police authorities confiscated a number of computers during the raids, said Kronqvist. He added that the suspects are both aged 25-30 and that they have not yet been charged. They are suspected of possession of child pornography, not distribution or production, Kronqvist told TT.Police are expecting to find links to new suspects when they begin analysing the confiscated equipment, in the form of email addresses and IP addresses. Kronqvist did not rule out further arrests in Sweden.As well as Sweden and the US, raids were carried out in Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Lithuania, Holland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary and Austria.The operation, codenamed Baleno, was coordinated by the European police organisation Europol in the Hague, the FBI and Interpol.The investigation was started by the Dutch authorities and information was gathered from a total of 76 countries around the world."Our contribution was small. Sweden has not played a leading role in this," said Kronqvist.According to Europol, the network used advanced technology to spread pornography, including time-limited encryption to protect the electronic identities of the sender and recipient.





The Hague, 10 May 2006



International action against child sex offender networks


The Hague - The Netherlands.



In a joint action against persons suspected of being involved in child pornography offences, police from 12 EU Member States and the United States made several arrests and around 150 house searches this morning.

Today’s action, named “Baleno”, is the result of a worldwide investigation led by the Dutch National Police Agency and co-ordinated by Europol.

The Child Pornography Team of the Dutch National Police Agency provided the initial intelligence for 76 countries around the world. The intelligence, related to EU Member States and states with which Europol has a cooperation agreement, was sent to Europol which then coordinated this action. Further intelligence was sent to Interpol for onward dissemination. The intelligence is mainly related to an internet board whose members’ activities included possession and distribution of child abuse material. The network’s modus operandi consisted of using sophisticated techniques to hide members’ electronic identities and to post encrypted abusive content for a short period of time on free web services. The investigation in the United States was carried out by the FBI Innocent Images Unit.

Europol Director Max-Peter Ratzel says: “I appreciate very much the cooperation between our European partners, the FBI and Europol. Today’s arrests and house searches is an important action against those who either directly or indirectly are responsible for the sexual exploitation of children. The next step in the investigation will be to try to prove the link between the illegal content and the active abuse”.

Europol has supported the exchange of information in the EU and with the US, providing technical expertise and assisting in identifying suspects at a national level.


National contact points for the media:

Austria: Gerald Hesztera, +4312483685004 or
Belgium: Lieve Pellens, +3225577731 or
Estonia: Dmitri Rudakov, +3726123684 or
France: Carole Miche, +33149 27 42 89 or
Hungary: Janos Szabo, +3614435557 or
Italy: Luigi Mancuso, +390648942906 or
Lithuania: Danute Daunoraviciute, +37052719620 or
The Netherlands: Wim de Bruin, +31104966966 or
Slovak Republic: Martin Korch, +421961050008 or
Slovenia: Nusa Tavcar, +38614724329 or
Spain: Luis García, +34915822758 or
Sweden: Stefan Kronqvist, +46840114525 or
United States: Paul Bresson, +12023248783 or


Dutch Report


11 Mei 2006


Grote actie tegen kinderporno

Op 21 plaatsen in Nederland heeft de politie invallen gedaan op zoek naar kinderporno. De invallen zijn onderdeel van een internationale actie, waarbij in heel Europa bij 150 mensen huiszoeking is gedaan. Europol coördineerde de actie die in elf landen werd uitgevoerd.

Op de adressen in Nederland zijn grote hoeveelheden kinderporno, computers en digitale camera's in beslag genomen. In deze zaak zijn eerder drie Nederlanders aangehouden. Dat was vóór de invallen.

Het KLPD begon het onderzoek eind vorig jaar na een tip. Dat leverde wereldwijd 2500 verdachten op. Het KLPD speelde hun adressen door aan Europol en Interpol.


Hungary Report


"Baleno" akció




A gyermek pornográfia elleni küzdelem egyik legnagyobb EUROPOL által koordinált akciója zajlott a mai napon 12 európai ország, valamint az Egyesült Államok részvételével.

Az akció során egy időben, közel 150 helyszínen tartottak házkutatást a nyomozó hatóságok.

Egy a holland rendőrség által folytatott nyomozás során kerültek külföldi - köztük magyarországi - felhasználók a hatóságok látótérbe.

A „Balenofedőnevű nagyszabású akcióban Magyarország, ezen belül a BRFK Bűnügyi II. Főosztály Gyermek-és Ifjúságvédelmi Osztálya, valamint 6 városi kapitányság (Tatabánya, Fonyód, Székesfehérvár, Vác, Oroszlány, Komárom) vett részt.

Az akció célja azoknak a felhasználóknak a felkutatása, illetve személyazonosságuk megállapítása, akik a holland jelzés alapján, tiltott gyermek pornográf felvételeket töltöttek le.




A rendelkezésre álló adatok alapján a nyomozók országszerte 10 házkutatást tartottak, 5 személyttiltott pornográf felvétellel való visszaélés, valamint más bűncselekmények megalapozott gyanúja miatt gyanúsítottként, 9 személyt tanúként hallgattak ki, illetve 10 darab winchestert és egyéb adathordozót foglaltak le, melyek tartalmát szakértők vizsgálják meg.





Europol igazgatója Max-Peter Ratzel az akcióval kapcsolatban a következőket nyilatkozta:

Nagyra értékelem az együttműködést az európai tagországok az Europol és az FBI között. A mai napon lefolytatott házkutatások és letartóztatások rendkívül fontos lépések azok ellen, akik közvetve vagy közvetlenül felelősek a gyermekkorrúak szexuális kizsákmányolásáért.”

Tiltott pornográf felvételek letöltéséért, akár 3 évig terjedő szabadságvesztés is kiszabható.

ORFK Szóvivői Iroda

Slovakia Report


Nine men suspected of distributing child pornography


SLOVAK police detained nine men suspected of involvement in the possession and distribution of child pornography as part of an operation code-named "Baleno" (lightning).

National police squads in 12 EU states and the US searched more than 150 houses and arrested several people within the operation, which resulted from a worldwide investigation led by the Dutch National Police Agency, the SITA news wire wrote.

Seven house searches and three raids on other premises took place in Slovakia in Bratislava, Trnava, Trenčín and Nitra districts, according to Slovak police spokesman Martin Korch.

Officers seized 13 computers, five USB memory keys, one external hard disc, eleven memory cards, 211 DVDs, 210 CDs, 277 floppy disks, and 170 videocassettes.

Korch confirmed that the police had also searched the premises of the public TV broadcaster Slovak Television  , detaining one man who is among the nine suspects.


Slovak Verison


Polícia v 12 krajinách EÚ a v USA zasiahla proti detskej pornografii





Polícia v 12 krajinách Európskej únie a v USA prehľadala viac ako 150 domov a zatkla niekoľko osôb podozrivých v súvislosti s detskou pornografiou. Informoval o tom dnes Europol.


Domové prehliadky sa uskutočnili okrem iného aj na Slovensku.

Operácia s krycím menom Baleno je výsledkom medzinárodného vyšetrovania vedeného holandskou národnou policajnou agentúrou.

Holandská polícia poskytla 76 krajinám základné informácie súvisiace s internetovým portálom, ktorého členovia vlastnia a distribuujú materiály dokazujúce zneužívanie detí.

Zločinecká sieť používala sofistikované metódy, keď zatajovala elektronickú totožnosť svojich členov a zverejňovala na krátky čas zakódovaný obsah na bezplatných internetových stránkach.

"Dnešné zatknutia a prehliadky dôležitým krokom proti tým, ktorí priamo či nepriamo zodpovední za sexuálne zneužívanie detí," uviedol riaditeľ Europolu Max-Peter Ratzel.

Europol neuviedol, koľko osôb bolo zatknutých, ani to, v ktorých krajinách sa tak stalo.

Zásahy uskutočnili v Rakúsku, Belgicku, Estónsku, Francúzsku, Maďarsku, Taliansku, Litve, Holandsku, na Slovensku, v Slovinsku, Španielsku a Švédsku. V Spojených štátoch viedol vyšetrovanie FBI.


Lithuania Report




Some 150 searches were carried out at the beginning of this week in many European countries and the U.S.A. to detect distributors of child pornography in electronic space. The operation, which was called Baleno, was headed by Europol. Lithuanian officials also took part in the operation.

Baleno was implemented in Holland, France, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, and the U.S.A. So far there is no information about the number of the people detained. The officers of the Lithuanian Criminal Police Bureau (LKPB) on Wednesday morning in Vilnius visited a computer-related company suspected of distributing child pornography.

According to Markas Marcinkevicius, the head of the Cyber Crime Investigation Division of the LKPB, after the search the police took a computer from which child pornography is supposed to have been distributed. The computer was turned over to experts. RESPUBLIKA


Spain Report


Operación Baleno  en España





Operación Baleno: en España están implicadas diez personas con amplios conocimientos informáticos y alto nivel cultural

Sesenta y siete detenidos en una operación policial europea contra la posesión y distribución de pornografía infantil

En otras dos operaciones distintas, la Brigada de Investigación Tecnológica de la DGP ha realizado diez arrestos más en varias provincias

06-Junio-06.- Agentes de la Dirección General de la Policía adscritos a la Brigada de Investigación Tecnológica de la UDEF Central, en una operación policial conjunta contra la distribución de pornografía infantil a través de Internet han detenido a sesenta y siete personas. La operación, coordinada por EUROPOL, ha sido desarrollada en las dos últimas semanas con las policías de Francia, Bélgica, Holanda y Eslovaquia.

En esta operación, denominada Baleno”, han sido arrestados en España diez individuos en las localidades de Madrid, Oviedo, Murcia, Valencia, Algeciras, Santander, Palma de Mallorca, Rentería (Guipúzcoa) y Barcelona, y se han practicado un total de diecisiete registros domiciliarios. Todas las personas que operaban en nuestro país poseían amplios conocimientos informáticos y tenían un nivel cultural elevado. Entre ellos hay varios profesores universitarios.

La operación “Baleno” ha culminado con la detención de siete individuos en Bélgica, treinta y ocho en Francia, tres en Holanda, y nueve usuarios más en Eslovaquia. Los implicados obtenían archivos de pornografía infantil a través de un complicado y lento sistema de descarga, que incluía la utilización de complejos programas de encriptación.

Por otra parte, en otras dos operaciones distintas desarrolladas exclusivamente en España, -Operación “Trigger” y Operación “Iceberg”-, han sido detenidas diez personas en Madrid, Castilla-La Mancha, Barcelona, Andalucía, Murcia y Levante.


-17 registros domiciliarios
-10 detenidos en las siguientes ciudades: Madrid, Oviedo, Murcia, Valencia, Algeciras (Cádiz), Santander, Palma de Mallorca, Rentería (Guipúzcoa) y Barcelona (dos detenidos).