November 9 , 1989  The Fall of  The Stasi Land  Called DDR   - 7/11/10   Update
Plans to extend Stasi checks don't satisfy victims
BERLIN | Fri Nov 5, 2010 12:56pm EDT 
(Reuters) - The German government plans to extend its screening of civil servants for any involvement with the East German Stasi security police until 2019 but victims groups said on Friday that is not long enough.
Arnold Vaatz, chair of the CDU/CSU delegation to the German parliament said Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition had agreed to extend Stasi checks beyond 2011 -- when they were originally scheduled to end -- to 2019.
"We will set about getting this law passed soon," he told the "Mitteldeutsche Zeitung" newspaper on Friday.But Andre Kockisch, spokesman for Berlin's Hohenschoenhausen Stasi prison, now a memorial, told Reuters it would be wrong to end the investigations, even in 2019, or 30 years after East Germany's Communist regime collapsed."Everybody must have the right to know who has spied on them and who violated their trust," Kockisch said. "To make that possible we need systematic investigations."He said continued investigations were "necessary so we can discover the truth," especially because many former Stasi workers were still alive and yet to be brought to justice."We are continuing to discover cases 20 years after the Berlin Wall fell so it is quite likely we will still be discovering cases in 2019 and beyond," he said.He added that ending the investigations risked drawing a line under the past."We cannot stop trying to come to terms with history -- we have a long way to go yet and we are still uncovering former Stasi employees -- we can't just draw a line under this."It is estimated that as many as 15,000 former Stasi workers are now civil servants in Germany.In 2009 it emerged that of about 700 police in the eastern state Brandenburg, 58 had previously been Stasi officers.The government office which looks after the Stasi documents has received more than 6.5 million requests for information since it was founded in 1990, of which 1.7 million were for examining the involvement of civil servants in the Stasi.(Reuters)
7/11/10 - DDR Stasi TV 1987 Dancing Command With Mikis Theodorakis in East Berlin 33 Minutes
DailyMotion  DDR Stasi TV 1987 Dancing Command With Mikis Theodorakis in East Berlin     15 Min.        &       Youtube   15 Min.
 17/9/10 Berlin Wall Builiding in Real - The Last Amazing New Revelation 50 Minutes Video 
Building the Berlin Wall 17/9/10 The New Revelation From  Germany Government Archive - Berlin
Berlin Wall 1961 - 1989 Die Berliner Mauer 1961 - 1989
When Science Fiction Becomes Reality
Rebuilding the Berlin Wall with Augmented Reality 9/7/10
DDR Stasiland Berlin Visa 1/7/10
Rebuilding the Berlin Wall with Augmented Reality 9/7/10
The Berlin Wall is Back   - As part of his work in the field of augmented reailty, or AR, German programmer Marc Gardeya has resurrected the Berlin Wall. Just point your smartphone at the place where the Wall used to stand and it will appear on your phone's display. The augmented reality Berlin Wall apears on your phone in it's original dimensions. If one goes closer, while holding the phone up, the Wall gets larger. If one moves away, the Wall gets smaller, just as it would in real life. Gardeya released his Berlin Wall for the Layar augmented reality browser, which is available for Apple's iPhone and smartphones equipped with Google's Android operating system, in April. The software uses images and GPS satellite data in order to determine a person's location and to provide information or render images of the portions of the Berlin Wall that used to stand at that location. The technology, known as "augmented reality," or AR, combines the real with the virtual. Der Spiegel   &   Layar.Com  &  Hoppala.Eu  )
MI5 Files -  Stern Gang  27/11/09 
Betty  Knouth (also known as Gilberte or Elizabeth Lazarus) - On 2 June, shortly before the letter bombs reached England,two Stern Gang terrorists,Betty Knouth and Jacob Elias,were arrested at the Belgian frontier as they were about to cross into France.Envelopes addressed to British officials,together with denotators,batteries and a time fuse,were discovered in the false bottom of Knouth`s suitcase.(39)Knouth was sentenced to a year`s imprisonment and Elias to eight months for carrying concealed explosives.At a Stern Gang press conference in Tel Aviv after her release,the twenty two year old Knouth said in reply to questions:`Did I post letter bombs? Unfortunately, the Belgian police got me before I could do so. They are a Stern Gang patent,you know...Belgian experts said they were deadly.I`m sorry none of them was delivered`.Among the intended  recipients of the letter bombs was the former Chief Secretary of the Palestine administration,Sir John Shaw , later head of the Security Service Overseas Division.(40)
(39)Security Service Archives.Five alleged members of the Stern Gang had been arrested in Paris on  22 May.In the room of one of them bomb-making equipment and  plastic - explosive wrappings were discovered which matched those used in the Colonial Office bomb and material found in Knouth`s suitcase.Security Service Archives.
(40)`Stern Gang Giv Bomb Girl a Party`,Daily Express , 25 Aug. 1948.Knouth was released after serving eight months of her sentence.
(Chritoper Andrew "The Defence of the Realm - The Authorized History of MI5" 2009, Page 357,922)
  Stasi Land Crash 20 Years Ego   23/11/09

20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall  9/11/09

Dominó Gigante en Buenos Aires - Stasi Crash 20 Years in Buenos Aires Argentina 15/11/09
Stasi Wall in East German Border Grasleben 1989 - Mines
 Stasi Wall in East German Border Grasleben 1989
Stasi der Kommunistichen Diktatur im Berlin
Ministerium fur Staatssicherheit (MfS) - Ministry for State Security (MfS) , or `Stasi`
 Communism V. Capitalism 1961 in Berlin
Soldiers from the U.S. Army Berlin Command face off against police from the former East Germany during one of several standoffs at Checkpoint Charlie in 1961. On several occasions that year, a U.S. quick reaction force of tanks and infantry Soldiers stood watch as armed military policemen escorted U.S. personnel across the border into East Berlin. (U.S. Army Photo)
Needless to Say This Complete Stasi` Markus Wolf  Video 5 Days Before The Stasi Land Crash You Will See Complete ONLY Here - Markus Wolf Died  9/11/06...
DDR Mass Demonstration Aginst Stasi Land in East Berlin & Stasi Master Spy Markus Wolf  Speaking -  Full  Speech  4/11/89

Defection Lottery ShinBet v. KGB

Israeli Security Agency/Shabak/ShinBet V.  Col. Levinzon Hebrew  File 9/11/09 PDF

Mossad/ShinBet Agent Col. Shimon Levinzon (Lavi) KGB Master Spy

Stasi Land Crash 20 Years  Ego 9/11/09  Stasi Land Boss Erich Honecker Last Speech
Israeli Ben Gurion Circle MI5 Investment 
Long Top MI5 Informer in Israel Revealed by MI5 Official Book
Israeli Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek
Teddy Kollek was in contact with MI5 says Official MI5 Book - The Book Published in MI5 Official Site   -  4/11/09
Teddy Kollek - "Among those who provided names was Teddy Kollek, later famous as a long-serving mayor of Jerusalem, who in 1942 had become the Jewish Agency`s deputy head of intelligence.From January 1945 to May 1946 Kollek was the Agency`s chief external liaison officer in Jerusalem, in regular touch with both the main MI5 representative,DSO Palestine, and SIME, to whome he gave intelligence on `intended terrorist activities`.(23) In November 1946 the DDG, Guy Liddell, briefed Attlee on the Service`s relations with Kollek and other Jewish Agency representatives in Palestine and Cairo:I told him the measure of this co-operation was limited; it had never led to the actual pin-pointing of terrorists - it had generally taken the form of notifying us that something was likely to happen somewhere within the next 24 or 48 hours,or that the terrorist was believed to be in Jerusalem. In fact, the Agency told the authorities just as much as they thought was good for them and had always endeavoured to keep the strings in their own hands and to imply that they were the people who were governing Palestine and not the British Government. The P.M remarked that they were singularly tortuous people to deal with.(24) In Fact  the intelligence supplied by the Jewish Agency had sometimes been more specific than Liddell suggested. On 10 August 1945 , for example, Kollek revealed the loation of a secret Irgun training camp near Binyamina and told an MI5 officer it would be `a great idea to raid the place`. The raid led to the arrest of twenty-seven Irgun members.(25)"(Pages 355,356)
(23)Security Service Archives.
(24)Guy Liddell diary, 19 Nov. 1946,Security Service Archives.
(25)`Extract from Report on interview with Kollek, forwarded by DSO Palestine, dated 18.8.45, reference DSO/P/13576`, TNA  KV  5/34, s.57c. I am grateful to Jonathan Chavkin of the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar for this reference.(Page 922)
(Chritoper Andrew "The Defence of the Realm - The Authorized History of MI5" 2009, Pages 355,356,922)
5 Years KGB Envoy to Stasi Dresden HQ in DDR Vladimir Putin 1985 - 1990... in 1985 Job in the DDR...
Putin The KGB Hero in Stasi Land Defends Russia With One Small  Pistol  29/10/09 (Russian Media Orchestra)

Putin told  NTV reporter Vladimir Kondratyev in a half-hour interview how he managed to calm down an angry crowd of East German protesters outside the KGB headquarters in Dresden in late 1989.Putin’s interview will be aired as part of the 50-minute film at 7:25 p.m on NTV on Sunday, Nov. 8 , 2009 one day before the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall.Putin served as a KGB officer in Dresden from 1985 to 1990. His only brush with history there occurred on Dec. 5, 1989, almost a month after the wall fell.After storming the nearby local headquarters of the East German Secret Police, or Stasi, protesters gathered outside his office building. Putin recalled how he met the crowd personally and told them in German that this was a Soviet military organization. When people replied suspiciously that he spoke German too well, “I told them I was a translator,” he said.Mr Putin will be shown discussing the incident in a documentary called The Wall to be broadcast on state-controlled TV next month.The programme's maker, Vladimir Kondratyev, has defended his decision to make Mr Putin one of the film's main characters. Mr Kondratyev believes that Mr Putin, who worked as a KGB agent hand-in-glove with the East German Stasi intelligence service during the 1980s, did a lot to hasten the wall's collapse. Yet his description of Mr Putin's actions suggests the opposite."He was one of the few Soviet citizens who had first-hand experience of East German demonstrators when a crowd ransacked the Stasi's office in Dresden and then prepared to storm the building where Putin and his Soviet spy comrades were working," Mr Kondratyev told the daily Kommersant newspaper."Putin succeeded in persuading the crowd to fall back." State TV has in the past described how Mr Putin brandished a pistol in front of the crowd and used his fluent German to make it clear he was prepared to use it."This is Soviet territory and you're standing on our border," he was quoted as saying. "I'm serious when I say that I will shoot trespassers." A witness was quoted as saying that Mr Putin issued the threat with his trademark assurance. In the documentary, 

KGB Envoy to Stasi Dresden HQ Vladimir Putin Shooting in SVR/KGB Moscow HQ 


Alternative - KGB Envoy to Stasi Dresden HQ Vladimir Putin Shooting in SVR/KGB Moscow HQ - Stasi Crash 20 Years - Youtube

9/10/09 Updates

TGWU Leader (2.2 Million Members -The largest union outside the communist world )
Jack Jones was in contact with KGB says  Official MI5 Book - The Book Published in MI5 Official Site 8/10/09
for more info & video enter "Russia Spy Units"



 KGB Tactics Merge With  The Internet 2009

More Update Videos on This KGB/FSB Fabrication in "Russia Spy Units"

Making Clear & Simple Watch: US Ian Kelly  Refuse to Deny Kyle Hatcher is Moscow CIA`s Man 24/9/09


Defection Lottery ShinBet v. Securitate

Israeli Security Agency/Shabak/ShinBet  11/9/09 PDF Hebrew & English File

"Rasko" - Operating a Double Agent vis à vis the Romanian Intelligence

Here - 26/9/09 Updates in "Stasi/KGB Heroes" with KGB/SVR Master Spy George Blake in Moscow August 09 and His KGB Lt. Gen. Controller Last SVR Defector Videos  & Pictures...
26/9/09 Update on  Last SVR Defector  Video & FSB Trap Video of Diplomat/Woman in Moscow 99 videos "FBI Trap" Page  in "Russia Spy Units" Diplomat/Woman  and more...

Bombed Reichstag Building Berlin 1945...Stasi Start in East Berlin...Putin KGB Resident in Dresden...
Inside The Stasi HQ in East Berlin Germany  27/7/07 
Stasi HQ
Stasi HQ in East Berlin Germany  27/7/07 - Stasi : 91,000 Stasi Employees & 180,000 Collaborators.(Doc. Photo in Stasi HQ)
"During his four years in Berlin , Blake betrayewd many British and American agents.Among them was Lieutenant-General Robert Bialek of the GDR`s State Security Service(SSD),who defected in 1953 and lived under an assumed name in West Berlin.One evening in February 1956,he was bundled into a car while taking his dog for a walk,taken back to SSD headquarters in East Berlin and executed" - "KGB THE INSIDE STORY" Chrritopher Andrew & Oleg Gordievsky p.362.
Stasi Boss Erich Mielke
Stasi Boss Finita La Comedia
Erich Mielke  Minister für Staatssicherheit 1957 - 1989  im Arrestzelle - Stasi  Boss Arrest.(Doc. Photo in Stasi HQ)
Leiter des Staatssicherheitsministeriums  - Stasi Leaders.(Doc. Photo in Stasi HQ)
Markus Wolf  German & Stasi Spy Master 
Markus Wolf    DDR-Spionagechef - Generaloberst, Ltr. der HVA Aufklärung (Auslandsspionage)Die Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung (HVA) ist eine Abteilung des Ministeriums für Staatssicherheit (MfS) der DDR. Ihr Leiter ist Markus Wolf, Spitzname Mischa. Markus Wolf, geb. 19.1.1923, Hechingen/Hohenzollern, 10 Jahre sowj. Mittelschule, Journalist, Redakteur, 1940 - 1942 Moskauer Institut für Flugzeugbau, 1942 - 1943 Parteischule der Komintern, Moskau. Aufenthalt im Ausland: Juli 1933 - Nov. 1933 Frankreich, Nov. 1933 - März 1934 Schweiz, März 1934 - Mai 1945 UdSSR. Von 1945 - 1949 in Berlin-Charlottenburg, Nov. 1949 - 1951 in UdSSR. 
Markus Wolf  Stasi Spy Master Hero in China - Part 1
Alternative Link Youtube Markus Wolf  Stasi Spy Master Hero in China - Part 1
Markus Wolf Stasi Spy Master Hero in Russia - Part 2
Alternative Link Markus Wolf Stasi Spy Master Hero in Russia - Part 2
Markus Wolf Stasi Spy Master Hero in Germany - Part 3
Alternative Link Markus Wolf Stasi Spy Master Hero in Germany - Part 3
Markus Wolf Stasi Master Spy Hero in UK - Part 4
Alternative Link Markus Wolf Stasi Master Spy Hero in UK - Part 4
Stasi Toys
Versteckten Fotoapparaten , Mikrophonen und Waffen
(Doc. Photo in Stasi HQ)
Stasi Sightseeing
Stasi Sightseeing Tour Van Outside & Inside.(Doc. Photo in Stasi HQ)
Stasi Heroes
Stasi Hall of Fame Heroes in Stasi HQ  Guillaume & Abel & Blake & "Red Orchestra" 
Stasi Spy Günter Guillaume & His Wife Christel
Stasi Spies in West Germany Günter Guillaume (Aassistant of Chancellor Willy Brandt - Guillaume Affair) & His Wife Christel.(Doc. Photo in Stasi HQ)
KGB/GRU  Colonel "Rudolf Abel" (Nuclear Spy Ring in US) in Stasi HQ &  Erich Mielke Minister für Staatssicherheit.(Doc. Photo in Stasi HQ)
Theft of US Atomic Files KGB Spy  named "Rudolf Abel"  - Russia TV`s
Youtube  - Theft of US Atomic Files KGB Spy Rudolf Abel  - Russia TV`s
Russian Master Spy Colonel Rudolph Abel 1TV.Ru
"Abel"`s Documents Forger KGB/SVR Colonel Pavel Georgievich Gromushkin
The High Art of Pavel Gromushkin - An exhibition of works by Pavel Georgievich Gromushkin, Colonel of the First Head department of the KGB of the Soviet Union, has opened at the Central House of Journalist in Moscow, featuring drawing and paintings entitled, "Portraits, People, Destinies. The Creative Report." During the Soviet times, Gromushkin's identity was considered top secret. His job was to make fictitious biographies and forged documents for intelligence officers abroad. He travelled widely to master other country's sham passports, military documents, party-membership cards, visas, driving licenses and diplomas. In a career that spanned from the Second World War until the Cold War, Gromushkin supplied documents to some of the most legendary and famous Soviet spies. He worked for the KGB for more than 50 years, and even his wife believed that her husband was a Foreign Ministry diplomat. She died without the knowledge that her husband had been a KGB super agent. (
KGB/SVR Decades Chief of The Documents Forgery Unit 70 Years of Forgery
Colonel  Pavel Georgievich Gromushkin - Until recent years remained in the SVR ranks. He met regularly with the young members of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia.
In March 1938 Paul Gromushkin was appointed a staff member in the foreign intelligence division of the NKVD. He was sent to the department for the production of fake passports for the work of NKVD intelligence agents abroad. This unit was established at the initiative of Nahum Eitingon, and led him George Miller. In the same department in the same time worked  William Fisher. Fisher entered  later the history of KGB`s Illegals under the name of Rudolf Abel. As Gromushkin he was interested in painting and drawing . William and Paul were friends. Paul Gromushkin created  few portraits of Abel. During the second world war, his main work was the preparation of  fake German documents for  the guerrillas. He prepared also documents for the name for the legendary Paul Siebert Nikolai Kuznetsov. Largely due to the "iron" documents Kuznetsov managed to extract valuable information. After the war Gromushkin continued his job include KGB `s forgery missions around the world . Paul Gromushkin has been an honorary member of the KGB. Has government awards. Heroes of his forgery job include also  Nikolai Kuznetsov, "Rudolf Abel", Joseph Grigulevich, "Helen and Peter Kroger".Gromushkin published a book "Exploration: people, portraits, destiny".George Blake writes in Gromushkin book’s foreword.
1 "Kroger"`s Documents Forgery by KGB Col. P.G. Gromushkin & 2"Kroger"`s Tomb in Moscow - Cohen Leona & Morris
SVR Spy Scandal Big Blow Part 1 in Russia State TV Saturday 13/11/10 20:00
Starring KGB Morris & Lona Cohen  & Defectors Lt. Col. Michael Goleniewski & Col. Shcherbakov
DailyMotion  Russia State TV  2 Heroes &  2 Traitors in KGB & SVR  Saturday Evening Special Report 13/11/10 20:00       &     Youtube
KGB/SVR Top Forger Colonel Gromushkin & Master Spy "Abel" Hard Disk
About Colonel Pavel Guryevitch Gromushkin Version of SVR Site & Izvestia Report - The exploring work Gromushkina, where he was preparing legends and documents for intelligence-illegals colleagues and friends called high art. In Moscow in February 2008 in the Central House of Journalists on Nikitsky Boulevard opened an exhibition of portraits of the legendary staff of national intelligence, made Gromushkinym notes RIA Novosti. But not only his artistic works was known Gromushkin, who served 70 years in the SVR. For years, many domestic intelligence-illegals working beyond the borders of our country on the legends and documents, which he prepared for them. "The fact that he did while working in exploration Pavel Gromushkin comparable to a high art. He also led the creation and the legend of my intelligence," - said the veteran of the Foreign Intelligence Yuri Kozlov. Then he gave a curious case in which in a Western country, was detained one of the Soviet intelligence. "After conducting special examinations found that the documents presented by the detainee, were real. But officials could not recall when they signed them. Our intelligence was released," - said Kozlov. Paul himself Gromushkin told reporters that such incidents had been his practice for more than 20. But he always kept the documents any check. So it was in Austria, which also failed to distinguish prepared by us from their passports. The documents prepared Gromushkinym, a Soviet spy "Rudolf Abel" (William Fisher) worked more than ten years, and only after the betrayal was exposed. "Together with Abel, who also painted all his life, we tried to make the album scouts, which would include our pictures. After his death, with the help of Kim Philby, I realize this dream into reality" - recalled Gromushkin. In turn, the legendary scout Kevork Vartanian, who participated in the prevention of attacks on members of the Big Three - Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill at Tehran in 1943, noted that Gromushkin, working in intelligence, made it impossible for things about which even today time one can not speak. "What he did for intelligence, is invaluable and impossible to repeat," - said Vartanian (
KGB /GRU ("Die Rote Kapelle" Berliner Gruppe)"Red Orchestra"  Spy Ring in Europe During WWII. 
Chief  of the complete "Red Orchestra" (Polnischen Kommunisten) - Leopold Trepper
Nazi Trial  v. "Red Orchestra" & Hanging 12 KGB/GRU Spies of "Die Rote Kapelle" in Berlin . 50+ linked to the Spy Ring were hanged later in Plotzensee .
(Doc. Photo in Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand 1/8/07)
Mildred Harnack (USA Born) Member in The Harnack/Schulze-Boysen Organization "Red Orchestra" ("Die Rote Kapelle") Hanged in Berlin - Plotzensee  16/2/1943.
(Doc. Photo in Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand 1/8/07)
Hanging in Plötzensee Gallows - The first to die here were KGB/GRU Spies of "Die Rote Kapelle"/"The Red Orchestra". Later they were followed by resistance fighters involved in the attempted coup of July 20, 1944. (Doc. Photo in Plötzensee 8/8/07)
Illegal Soviet Spy as Israel Prime Minister's Military Secretary "Named" Israel Bar
Israeli Ben Gurion Circle KGB Investment
KGB/NKVD/GRU Colleague Identified by Trepper as Intel. Trainee in USSR Between 1936 - 1939 
Leopold Trepper - Leopold Trepper ( 23/2/1904 - 19/1/1982) was an organizer of the Soviet spy ring Rote Kapelle (Red Orchestra) prior to and during World War II.Leopold Trepper joined the Palestine Communist Party and worked against the British forces in Palestine He was identified as a communist agent and expelled in 1929. He went to France and worked for an underground political organization called Rabcors until French intelligence broke it up in 1932.Trepper escaped to Moscow and worked as a GRU agent for the next six years, traveling between Moscow and Paris.In 1938, Trepper was sent to organize and coordinate an intelligence network in Nazi-occupied Europe, based in Belgium. The Nazis named it the Red Orchestra (Die Rote Kapelle).Close to the end of the war the Soviets took him to Russia , they locked him up in Lubyanka prison. He remained in prison until 1955. Before that, he was personally interrogated by NKVD chief Viktor Abakumov. After his release, he returned to Poland to his wife and three sons. He became a head of the Jewish Cultural Society.After June war 1967,he immigrated to Israel. He settled in Jerusalem in 1974. In 1975, he published his autobiography, The Great Game. A few years before, a book about the Red Orchestra containing interviews with both Russians and Nazis had appeared, written by Gilles Perrault. Leopold Trepper died - a convinced communist revolutionary - in Jerusalem in 1982. His funeral was attended by the highest echelons of the Israeli army, including Defence Minister Ariel Sharon. (Leopold Trepper wikipedia)


4Law Source Version

During his Israeli term Leopold Trepper  was interrogated by Israeli Intelligence officials he Identified the man in this picture above as a man he saw between 1936 - 1939 in USSR in an Intelligence officers training facility in Leningrad.The man died in Israeli Prison as a Soviet Agent named Israel Bar. (Israel Bar in Israel Secret Service/Shabak Site - English)


Israeli Secret Service Version

"having participated in battle alongside the Social-Republicans in the Civil War in Spain during the years 1936-1938, claiming to have completed his service as a colonel serving as a brigade commander – the personal record in which he took such glory should be regarded with a critical eye. "(Israel Bar in Israel Secret Service/Shabak Site - English)

Jurnalists Book Version - According to an Israeli ex. spy this can be mixed with invention

After four days of interrogation Isser Harel paid Beer a visit. Beer had not been cooperative. Harel planned to do something about that. "He looked Beer in the face, just as he had done at their first meeting so many months before. In a calm but unyielding tone of voice he said to him: 'I know you are a Soviet agent. Tell me the truth. If you are cooperative you will make it easier on everyone, including yourself. Tell me your story.'" Beer proceeded to repeat his oft-used story again. "When he was finished Isser calmly told him: 'You are a liar.'
'We can find no trace of your parents in Austria. If they were typical Jewish parents, as you make them out to be, then why aren't you circumcised?'
'We have checked all the records in Austria. You never fought on the barricades. You never received a doctorate, as you claim you did, nor did you ever attend the university. You did not go to the military academy because Jews were not allowed to at the time. They have checked their lists for us and your name is not there. The Schutzbund has no record of your membership either.''We have gone through the records of the international Brigade and your name is not there. You never fought in Spain…'
'Now tell me: who are you? We want the truth.'"(Israel Beer in Jewish Virtual Library)

 Gen. Vladimirov Chief of Defectors Assassination Squad 
Finish President Urho Kekkonen  code name "TIMO" in KGB Archive (left) and KGB officer Viktor Vladimirov (right) fishing in the Soviet Union in November 1980.

Viktor Vladimirov, a long-time official working at the Soviet Embassy in Helsinki, worked as the head of the KGB’s sabotage and assassination section in the late 1960s. One of Vladimirov’s projects was a plot in 1967 to murder former KGB officer Anatoly Golitsyn, who had defected to Canada from Finland where he worked in 1961. These are some of the juicier details contained in a newly-published history of the Finnish Security Police (SUPO) by historian Kimmo Rentola. Rentola says that the plot against Golitsyn failed, as did a similar attempt to kill another defector, which also took place in 1967. While working in Helsinki, Viktor Vladimirov became an "important source of information" for two Finnish presidents - Urho Kekkonen and Mauno Koivisto, with whom he became "quite close". Both presidents knew that he held the rank of general in the KGB, but it is unlikely that they had any knowledge of his work in covert operations.  There had been reports of Vladimirov’s career in the assassinations section in stories told by Soviet defectors to Western intelligence services, but it was not until the KGB’s organisation chart was published in a Russian reference book in 2004 that there was positive confirmation of the matter. Vladimirov served at the Soviet Embassy in Helsinki in the 1950s, 1970s, and 1980s. He died in 1995. 

"Neverthless , by the 1970s the KGB had more people they regaded as agents and `cconfidencial contacts` in Finland than in all the other FCD Third Departmen countries combined(Britain,Ireland,Australasia and the rest of Scandinavia).Helsinky also provided hospitality for the leading Soviet front organization."- "KGB THE INSIDE STORY" Chrritopher Andrew & Oleg Gordievsky p.359.

According to Ex. Intel. officials KGB agents in Helsinki were involved with pushing Finish volunteers to spy in Israel during the Vladimirov term.

Widerstand / Resistance /Plötzensee
Deutscher Widerstand - Plotting Hitler`s Death 1944  Nazi Trial Video
Ulrich Wilhelm Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld  Nazi Trial Video

Ulrich Wilhelm Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld.

Ulrich-Wilhelm Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld (21 December 1902 – 8 September 1944) was a German landowner, officer, and resistance fighter against the Nazi régime.
Schwerin was born in the Danish capital Copenhagen. He found Nazism quite loathesome to his Christian social convictions. Already by 1935, he held the view that Adolf Hitler must be killed to be brought down. Beginning in 1938, Schwerin belonged to the tightest circle of the resistance along with his personal friends Peter Graf Yorck von Wartenburg and Fritz-Dietlof Graf von der Schulenburg, and later also to the Kreisau Circle.From the beginning of the Second World War, Schwerin belonged to the Wehrmacht as an officer. In 1942, Hans Oster appointed Schwerin to the office of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht in Berlin. He participated in the failed attempt on Hitler's life and coup d'état on 20 July 1944 from a position at the Bendlerblock, where the plotters' headquarters were, although he had been saying for weeks that the chances for a successful coup were very slight. There, on the night of 21 July 1944, he was arrested, and on 21 August, he was sentenced to death by the Volksgerichtshof, with Roland Freisler presiding. On 8 September (or according to some sources, on the same day as the trial), Schwerin was hanged at Plötzensee Prison in Berlin.

Ulrich Wilhelm Graf Schwerin von Schwanenfeld
File:Bundesarchiv Bild 151-19-35, Volksgerichtshof, Graf Schwerin v. Schwanenfeld
Markus Wolf  in Papers On Line
Markus Wolf Talks With  Russian Military of Defense Magazine - 16/8/06
Markus Wolf in the  (FSB) Russia Secret Service Site – 04
Markus Wolf Talks With   (SVR)Russia Spy Agency - 03
KGB Heroes
Abel in Russian KGB/SVR Site
Blake in Israel Hebrew 9/09 -  "Surprisingly" Video in the net of British vice consul which defected healthy as a bull
Encyclopædia Britannica 9/09 on Blake
Blake in UK Times 6/09 -  How MI6 link of traitor George Blake was covered-up by Government
 Blake in Russian KGB/SVR Site
Kondrashov in Russian KGB/SVR Site
Gromushkin in Russian KGB/SVR Site
Cohen in Russian KGB/SVR Site
Vladimirov in Finish Site 8/09
Stasi On Line 
Gefängnis Hoheneck  - Mauer  - Rust  -  Knast
"Red Orchestra" / "Die Rote Kapelle"
Plötzensee   -   Deutscher Widerstand    -  FBI's Files
"Red Orchestra" / "Die Rote Kapelle" in Specific Online Sites  - Russian & English
Jews intelligence in the "Red Orchestra"         -    Chief of the "Red Orchestra"

"Kapelmeyster" Leopold Trepper   -  "Red KAPELLA" in Russian KGB/SVR Site

NBC  Stasi Wall in East German Border Moedlareuth 2009 English
NBC  Stasi Wall in East German Border Moedlareuth 2009 English