Russia Spies Internet & Computers & Videos



MI5 Spy Rock in Moscow - Flickr


"Shocked" FSB Clip on "Shocked" MI5 Spy Rock 2012 P.3 – Youtube


"Shocked" FSB Clip on "Shocked" MI5 Spy Rock 2012 P.3 – DailyMotion


BBC:UK Spied on Russians with Fake Rock - Russia TV 2012 P.2 - Youtube


BBC:UK Spied on Russians with Fake Rock - Russia TV 2012 P.2 - DailyMotion



Russia TV`s:Space Engineer Lt. Col. Vladimir Nesterets Sold Copied CD to CIA Jailed for 13 Years


Военным судом вынесен приговор
10 февраля 2012 года 3-им военным судом вынесен приговор старшему инженеру испытателю космодрома «Плесецк» подполковнику Нестерцу Владимиру Васильевичу.
В ходе судебных заеданий Нестерец В.В. признал себя виновным в передаче за денежное вознаграждение представителям ЦРУ США сведений об испытаниях новейших

российских стратегических боевых ракетных комплексов, составляющих государственную тайну. За совершение преступления, предусмотренного ст. 275 УК Российской Федерации

(«Государственная измена»), Нестерец В.В. приговорен к 13 годам лишения свободы с отбыванием наказания в колонии строгого режима, лишению воинского звания «подполковник».





For The First Time We Expose The KGB/SVR Archive Original Video Starring in The Begining  KGB/SVR
Master Spy Gen. Vadim Kirpichenko on Theft of US Nuclear Secrets - The Document in Russian Only 15/5/10



Sex & Russian FSB Videotape in Moscow   -   KGB Tactics Merge With  The Internet 2010 Edition                             


The Video Alone in DailyMotion

Шендерович,Поткин,Лимонов,Яшин,Фишман,Орешкин. Взятки,секс,наркотики – 5 Minutes

The Opposition Figures in The FSB Trap Russian Original Site Video

Шендерович,Поткин,Лимонов,Яшин,Фишман,Орешкин. Взятки,секс,наркотики.

English on the Topic UK`s DailyMail

The Serial Honeytrap Girl Accused of Trapping at Least SIX Kremlin Critics in Online Sex Stings


CIA  Report Russian Kermlin and Pro Kremlin Oligarchs Controling the Russian Internet - PDF


Israeli Spies


MI5`s  Stern Gang Terrorist  Revealed -  Betty  Knouth

Top Stern Gang Terrorist Betty Knouth in UK Revealed by MI5 Official Book

Betty  Knouth (also known as Gilberte or Elizabeth Lazarus) - On 2 June, shortly before the letter bombs reached England, two Stern Gang terrorists,Betty Knouth

and Jacob Elias, were arrested at the Belgian frontier as they were about to cross into France. Envelopes addressed to British officials, together with denotators ,batteries

 and a time fuse, were discovered in the false bottom of Knouth`s suitcase.(39)Knouth was sentenced to a year`s imprisonment and Elias to eight months for carrying concealed explosives.

At a Stern Gang press conference in Tel Aviv after her release, the twenty two year old Knouth said in reply to questions: `Did I post letter bombs? Unfortunately, the Belgian police

 got me before I could do so. They are a Stern Gang patent, you know...Belgian experts said they were deadly. I`m sorry none of them was delivered`. Among the intended 

recipients of the letter bombs was the former Chief Secretary of the Palestine administration, Sir John Shaw , later head of the Security Service Overseas Division.(40)
(39)Security Service Archives. Five alleged members of the Stern Gang had been arrested in Paris on  22 May. In the room of one of them bomb-making equipment and 

plastic - explosive wrappings were discovered which matched those used in the Colonial Office bomb and material found in Knouth`s  suitcase. Security Service Archives.
(40)`Stern Gang Giv Bomb Girl a Party`, Daily Express , 25 Aug. 1948.Knouth was released after serving eight months of her sentence.

(Chritoper Andrew "The Defence of the Realm - The Authorized History of MI5" 2009, Page 357,922)



Defection Lottery ShinBet v. KGB


Israeli Security Agency/Shabak/ShinBet  V.  Col. Levinzon Hebrew  File 9/11/09 PDF


Mossad/ShinBet Agent Col. Shimon Levinzon (Lavi) KGB Master Spy




MI5 Boss 2009 Jonathan Evans

Long Top KGB Spy in UK Revealed by MI5 Official Book

TGWU Leader (2.2 Million Members -The largest union outside the communist world )
Jack Jones was in contact with KGB says  Official MI5 Book - The Book Published in MI5 Official Site


Photo – The KGB Spy Jack Jones During a Protest in UK



KGB Spy UK`s Union Chief Jack Jones Revealed in Official MI5 Book 8/10/09 Youtube 1.2 Minute


KGB Spy UK`s Union Chief Jack Jones Revealed in Official MI5 Book 8/10/09 DailyMotion 1.2 Minute


UK`s Daily Mail


Jack Jones, Soviet spy: Special investigation reveals how union boss sold secrets to the KGB for 45 years



Israeli Rotter.Net Remove The Video of Shmuel Polishuk 1/10/09



Youtube Special Notice to Video Holders Concern Kyle Hatcher





Video  - First Hebrew Version Israeli TV10 on The MI6/CIA/Mossad Scandals in Moscow Aired 1/10/09 19:50 Daily Motion 6 Minutes & Heb.


Defection Lottery FSB  v . Mossad 2009 Model


Израильский дипломат покидает Москву после обвинений в шпионаже. Москва. 1 октября. INTERFAX.RU

Израильский дипломат Шмуэль Полищук, работавший в России,

был вынужден срочно покинуть страну пребывания после того, как российские власти обвинили его в шпионаже.


Israeli diplomat left Moscow after allegations of spying. Moscow. October 1. INTERFAX.RU –

 Israeli diplomat Shmuel Polishchuk, who worked in Russia, was forced to

urgently leave the host country, after Russia's government accused him of spying.

Israel Diplomat/Spy Shmuel Polishuk First Secretary of Israel Embassy Expelled by FSB – 4Law Daily Motion 1 Minute


Defection Lottery CIA v. FSB 2009 Model


Russian Version of Russian Newspaper 24/9/09

США раскрыли заговор российских СМИ

Sex, Lies & Russian FSB Fabricated Videotape in Moscow   -   KGB Tactics Merge With  The Internet 2009                              



Making Clear & Simple Watch: US Ian Kelly Refuse to Deny Kyle Hatcher is Moscow CIA`s Man 24/9/09 – 4Law Daily Motion 3.3 Minutes



Making Clear & Simple Watch: US Ian Kelly Refuse to Deny Kyle Hatcher is Moscow CIA`s Man 24/9/09 – 4Law Youtube 3.3 Minutes



Plan Architect US/EU Missile Shield US Ambassador John Beyrle Angry Over FSB`s Colonel Fake Video – ABC News Daily Motion 1 Minute



Plan Architect US/EU Missile Shield US Ambassador John Beyrle Angry Over FSB`s Colonel Fake Video – ABC News Youtube 1 Minute


U.S. Protests Russian 'Sex Tape' Used to Smear American Diplomat - ABC News Daily Motion 2.4 Minutes


Russian Sex Tape Used to Smear American Diplomat - ABC News Daily Motion 6 Minutes



US Says Russia Faked Diplomat Sex Tape – CNN  Daily Motion 1.5 Minutes



Kremlin TV in KGB/FSB Manipulation Style v. US/Spy Diplomat Kyle Hatcher Операция ФСБ -  Youtube 2.5 Minutes



Voice of America Russian Посол США в Москве подал официальный протест – Daily Motion 2.2 Minutes



Defection Lottery Di Stefano v. UK`s Secret System


Letter to UK`s Lord Hutchinson `Blake Case` from Italian Lawyer Giovanni Di Stefano  - PDF 17/9/09


George Blake Verdict in British Court - Regina v. Blake 2 Q.B. P. 377 -  PDF 1961


Scroll Down to George Blake Videos in Stasi/KGB Videos…


Czechia`s Meal of Stinky Fish


Barack Obama abandons European missile shield to delight of Russians


Angered allies but delighted Russia. Obama opted not to deploy a sophisticated radar system

 in the Czech Republic or 10 ground-based interceptors in Poland. The decision

 angered Czech and Polish allies but was welcomed in Moscow.


Russian Diplomats/SVR Spies "Cooking" Anti US Radar Protest in Czechia 8/09 - 2 SVR Spies Expelled Youtube 1 Minute


Czechia Secret Service Report PDF – Section 1.3 SVR Spies & The US Radar


Defection Lottery ShinBet v. Securitate


Israeli Security Agency/Shabak/ShinBet  11/9/09 PDF Hebrew & English File


"Rasko" - Operating a Double Agent vis à vis the Romanian Intelligence

Updates 13/9/09 in  "Stasi/KGB Heroes" with KGB/SVR Master Spy George Blake  in Moscow August 09 and His KGB Lt. Gen. Controller Videos & Top KGB/SVR Forger Videos and Last SVR Defector Video

Update 13/9/09 FSB Trap Video of Diplomat/CIA Woman in Moscow 99 Here  and  in  "FBY Spy Trap" -  "FBI Trap…" also with  Last SVR Defector Video…




Russia SVR  published 400 KGB pages of documents gathered by undercover Soviet agents between 1935 and 1945  showed how Poland sided with the Nazis – Russian PDF


Saturday, August 29, 2009 - 60 Years After First Soviet Nuclear Test in Kazakhstan

«Атомный проект СССР» «Atomic Project of the USSR»

First Soviet Nuclear Test in Kazakhstan - Youtube 7 Videos 29/8/09

План мероприятий 1-го Управления НКГБ СССР "по агентурно- оперативной разработке "Энормоз". 5 ноября 1944

Action Plan for the 1 st of the Office of the KGB, the Soviet Union "on the intelligence-operational development" Enormoz. "November 5, 1944


Original KGB Document  - Action Planning Against US Nuclear Facilities 1944 (Source - KGB/SVR Archive)


Чертежи конструкции атомной бомбы, примененной в Нагасаки поступившие из США по линии советской разведки. Не ранее 1 июня 1946

Design drawings of atomic bombs used in Nagasaki received from the United States by the Soviet intelligence. Not earlier than June 1, 1946


Original KGB Document  - Stolen Copy of Nagasaki`s Nuclear Bomb Design From US by KGB Spy (Source - KGB/SVR Archive)



Note: The DVD file changed by the Russian site to MPG File 4/9/09

This Month Russian FSB DVD HQ Video with Alleged CIA Spy  better than before a month with MI5 & music .... the unexpected DVD HQ edition arrived to the Internet "suddenly"…

FSB works also during our Summer Holiday the video "landed" in the Internet at 6/8/09…

14 & 15/8/09

Defection Lottery FSB v. CIA 2009 Model


English Version of Russian Newspaper

U.S. Diplomat Named In Purported Sex Video

The First Full Alleged CIA  Spy Kyle Hatcher  in FSB Trap Video Published in The Internet Download  4.10 Minutes VOB (DVD) File 172 MB & Article

The First Time in The Internet in Russian Paper in DVD HQ

"Американский дипломат говорил о Боге, а думал о "клубничке" (ВИДЕО)"

The Second Time in The Internet in Russian Paper

"«Клубничка»: Грех дипломата  - Сотрудник посольства США в Москве, отвечающий за контакты с церковными иерархами, забавляется с блудницами"

СКАЧАТЬ!   -  Download DVD!      4.10 Minutes You must be over 18 years old to use this service

FSB DVD Converted Version HQ  -  American Diplomat & Alleged Spy Kyle Hatcher in FSB Trap 6/8/09 Кайл Хатчер – DailyMotion 4.10 Minutes

Встреча Святейшего Патриарха Кирилла с послом США в России Джоном Байерли

В состоявшейся встрече приняли участие второй секретарь политического отдела Посольства США в РФ Кайл Хаткер


Meeting of His Holiness Patriarch Cyril with U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Beyrle

At the meeting attended the Second Secretary of the Political Section of U.S. Embassy in RF Kyle Hatcher


Left First:US Diplomat / Alleged CIA Spy Kyle Hatcher  & Left Third:US Ambassador to Russia in Moscow 7/09

US Diplomat / Alleged CIA Spy Kyle Hatcher & US Ambassador to Russia in Moscow 7/09 Кайл Хатчер – Youtube 1 Minute


Chinese Newspaper


  United States diplomat in the Russian States when he was videotaping suspected prostitute in the honey trap by agents (Ficture)



驻俄外交官嫖妓时被偷拍 疑中特工美人()


Defection Lottery FSB v. CIA 1999 Model

1999 US Diplomat/CIA/FSB Trap Without Music in Moscow - Woman, a second secretary at the US embassy, had been detained…

The British Independent 1999 ; US diplomat arrested for spying in Moscow


FSB Site Notice 1999 about US CIA Diplomat Arrest

чери либернайт Cheri Liebernight


Федеральная служба безопасности РФ
Официальный сайт






Как уже сообщалась ранее, в Москве в районе метро "Измайловская" вечером 29 ноября с.г. сотрудниками ФСБ при проведении шпионской акции была задержана Чери Либернайт, кадровый сотрудник ЦРУ США, работавшая в американском посольстве под прикрытием 2-го секретаря политического отдела.

В ходе оперативно-розыскных мероприятий сотрудниками российской контрразведки собраны доказательства, полностью изобличающие американского дипломата в деятельности, несовместимой с ее официальным статусом.

После задержания американка была доставлена в Приемную ФСБ России на Кузнецкий мост, 22, куда был вызван представитель МИД России, а также консул США. Последнему российская сторона заявила решительный протест по поводу действий Чери Либернайт. По факту ее задержания составлен акт, в котором перечислены изъятые у нее предметы, являющиеся вещественными доказательствами и полностью изобличающие ее в проведении шпионской деятельности на территории России.

После выполнения соответствующих формальных процедур Ч.Либернайт была передана представителю американского посольства.

В настоящее время ведутся дополнительные оперативно-розыскные мероприятия по данному делу.




US Diplomat / Alleged CIA Spy Cheri Leberknight чери либернайт  in FSB Trap 30/11/99 DailyMotion 2.32 Minutes


Alternative Video Link Youtube - Russia TV US Diplomat / Alleged CIA Spy Cheri Leberknight in FSB Trap 30/11/99




US Diplomat / CIA Spy Cheri Leberknight чери либернайт  in Moscow FSB Arrest 30/11/99




Stasi Hall of Fame Heroes in Stasi HQ Berlin -  Guillaume & Abel & Blake & "Red Orchestra"… 



Exclusive  -   KGB/GRU  Colonel Rudolf Abel (Nuclear Spy Ring in US) in Stasi HQ &  Erich Mielke Minister für Staatssicherheit.(Doc. Photo in Stasi HQ)

Almost 50 years ago, in West Berlin was the first exchange of intelligence between the USSR and the United States. Washington was the pilot Gary Powers,

and Moscow - the legendary Rudolf Abel. Today, their children, as well as members of legendary exchange telling details of the meeting on the bridge. Documentary film "Duel intelligence. Powers-Abel." - 2009


Duel intelligence. Powers -Abel  41 Minutes  Дуэль разведок. Пауэрс-Абель 41 Минут


About Rudolf Abel  - Russia TV`s

Theft of US Atomic Files KGB Spy Rudolf Abel 8 Minutes DailyMotion 8/8/09 -  Рудольф Иванович Абель

Theft of US Atomic Files KGB Spy Rudolf Abel 8 Minutes Youtube 8/8/09 -  Рудольф Иванович Абель


USA   State Department   Soviet Spy Ring  Documents - PDF


This week better  Russian FSB Video than with MI6 Spy before a week....the 2  unexpected editions arrived to the Internet "suddenly"…


This video may not be suitable for minors.

Romania Diplomat & Spy Ion Nuica in FSB Moldova Trap 7/09 – Youtube 1.5 Minutes

The First Full Romania Spy Ion Nuica in FSB  Moldova Trap Video Published in The Internet Download  9.56 Minutes FLV File & Article

 The First Time in The Internet in Romanian Edition of Moldova Paper

"Scandal sexual la Chişinău cu un diplomat român în rolul principal"

СКАЧАТЬ!   -  Download!      9.56 Minutes You must be over 18 years old to use this service

English Background

 Radio Free Europe - Romania Official Resigns After Sex Video Released

Bucharest Herald  -    Sexual scandal at Romania's Consulate in Chisinau. Consul Ion Nuica resigns

Other  Background

Russian Paper

"Из-за сексуального скандала из Кишинева был отозван консул Румынии"

The Russian Paper in Moldova Edition

Румынский дипломат Ион Нуйкэ в постели с подчиненной (лицам до 16 смотреть категорически не рекомендуется!)

Romanian Paper

Ion Nuică, «executat» prin metoda KGB/Ion Nuică, "executed" using KGB

Moldova Capital Chişinău  TV

Consulul României la  Chișinău, Ion Nuica, și-a prezentat demisia  


Defection Lottery FSB v. MI6 2009 Model

This video may not be suitable for minors


British Diplomat & Spy James Hudson in FSB Trap 11/7/09 Джеймса Хадсона Youtube 1.5 Minutes

The First Full MI6 Spy James Hudson in FSB Trap Video Published in The Internet Download  4.19 Minutes FLV File & Article

The First Time in The Internet in Russian Paper

"Британские дипломаты не против девочек и наркотиков, или похождения мистера Хадсона в России"

СКАЧАТЬ!   -  Download!      4.19 Minutes You must be over 18 years old to use this service

Chinese on the MI6 James Hudson Spy Case


Russia FSB Site  &  Moldova SIS Site




ГРУ медаль "Золотая звезда" советского разведчика Жоржа Коваля - PDF


GRU medal "Golden Star" Soviet intelligence agent Georges Koval - PDF



Russia Successful Master Spies in Israel 1948 – 1967



Vladimir Vertiporoh .MA in English   &  Farsi. Later First Deputy Chief of   KGB Intelligence Master

Spy Vadim Kirpichenko. Spied   in   Israel 1948 – 1953. Order   of Lenin and Red Star, & Other Medals.



Ivan Zaitsev .From 1951 to 1956 year-long mission in Israel, Deputy Resident

Achieved positive results in the recruitment work. Order of the October Revolution & Other Medals.



Ivan Dedyulya  . From mid-1962 to 1967 year-KGB resident in Israel . In 1985,

retired with the rank of Colonel.Order of the Red Banner, & Other Medals.



Ivan  Dedyulya in Spetember 2007




Canada Spin 2   - SVR Spy in Canada   -  12/06



Canada Secret Service (CSIS) Arrest Russian SVR Spy  


 CSIS Affidavit - Pic1 - 2 - 3


Canada Spin 1 on the   KGB Defector Igor Gouzenko


Mrs. Gouzenko shows her face - Video Page  - 19/10/1987


Life in the shadows - Video Page -   3/5/1996





Russiaan GRU  Spy High Tech Center   -   TV1  


Museum Hall  in GRU Center


Master Spy Talks on Master Spy


SVR Site Bios:    General Vadim Kirpichenko   on   Colonel Rudolf Abel



Rudolf Ivanovich Abel Case – Theft of US Nuclear Secrets -   "БОМБА"


Рудольф Абель  TV Vesti   - Streaming  Download  -  СКАЧАТЬ!



Vadim Kirpichenko in SVR Website : "By Violating the Laws of Other Countries, We Are Protecting Our Own."


Kirpichenko in SVR Website on Abel   &   Kirpichenko in FSB Website on Abel 



Spy v. Spy - KGB/SVR   General Kalugin Defects to US

General Vadim Kirpichenko v. General Oleg Kalugin   -   Streaming  -    Download   -    СКАЧАТЬ!



Russia Terror Laptops





FSB / MI6   Spin

Talk to the Rock & MI6 Trick Videos

Palm   , Laptops   , Wireless   , Pay Pal   , Websites... – UK Suspect MI6 Spy Ring in Moscow 1/06

ФСБ Видео

Russia TV "Shocked" FSB on "Shocked" MI5 Spy Rock 2006 P.1 - Youtube

Russia TV "Shocked" FSB on "Shocked" MI5 Spy Rock 2006 P.1 - DailyMotion


Russia Duma Statement on UK Spy Rock  


4Law 30/1/06 20:15   Special Document


Заявление о недопустимости влияния спецслужб на деятельность некоммерческих неправительственных организаций.



FSB Upload His Version on The "Fake Rock" Story to the FSB Site & Pics – 4Law English Translation Inside

The 4 MI6 Suspects in the Cellular Rock Case   - 


Russia Says British Used Rock to Spy  -   Security Service Accuses Four Diplomats


MOSCOW, Jan. 23 , 2006.  Russia's domestic security service on Monday accused four British diplomats

 of committing espionage using electronic equipment placed inside a fake rock in a Moscow park.


Spy Tool Graphic: How the MI6 High Tech Toy Works 


Видео – Video



Download   -    СКАЧАТЬ!

ФСБ захватила новейшее шпионское устройство


Download   -    СКАЧАТЬ!

FOX TV Russian FSB Accuse UK`s MI6  of Spying