Supervisión de Practicar Surf de Internet Prohibido - la Solución Israelí / Surveillance du Surfing sur Internet Interdit - la Solution Israélienne / Überwachung des Verbotenen Internet-Surfens - die Israelische Lösung /Supervisão de Surfing de Internet Proibido - a Solução Israeli 
GANGOV:Israeli  Internet Scandals v. Israeli Blogger & Journalist Moshe HaLevi "Halemo" - Free Speech
Boaz Guttman Adv. - Close of The Case Against The Lawyer by State Attorney -  Ynet Report Hebrew 12/12/14  - Saved
Boaz Guttman Adv. - Close of The Case Against The Lawyer by State Attorney -  Ynet Report Hebrew 12/12/14 
Boaz Guttman Adv. - Close of The Case Against The Lawyer by Israel  State Attorney -  Memo 11/12/14 
Update 3/1/15 - Flickr  - Download Free...
"Halemo" Defence Lawyer Arrest Failure  5/9/12 & Close of The Case State Attorney Memo 11/12/14  Slideshow (Heb.)
"Halemo" Defence Lawyer Arrest Failure  5/9/12 & Close of The Case State Attorney Memo 11/12/14  Album (Heb.)
Israeli Blogger Halemo  Revenge  Arrest Issued  by  The Israeli State Attorney`s Office & Israeli Police  - Case  Number 3 - CLOSED  by State Attorney  23/4/14
Video & Backup
Boaz Guttman Adv. Talking on The Case in Channel 20 Ynet Hebrew 28/9/14  - Youtube
Boaz Guttman Adv. Talking on The Case in Knesset Channel Hebrew 19/5/14  - Youtube
Boaz Guttman Adv. Interview on The Case in Israeli TV 2 Channel Hebrew 16/12/12 - Vimeo
Boaz Guttman Adv. Interview on The Case in Israeli TV 2 Channel Hebrew 16/12/12 - Dailymotion
Boaz Guttman Adv. Interview on The Case in Israeli TV 2 Channel Hebrew 16/12/12 - Youtube
Blogger "Halemo" Defence Lawyer Arrest 5/9/12 - Gag Order Lifted  2/10/12
Gag order lifted by Israeli Tel Aviv Magistrate Judge Shamay Beker in 27/9/12 & Published in Israeli Court Site 2/10/12.The gag order concerns arrest (1 Day in Tel Aviv District Jail 5/9/12) of Boaz Guttman – Defence Lawyer of Israeli Jurnalist & Blogger Moshe HaLevi - "Halemo" ,website owner of – "Halemo" without criminal records was presented by Boaz Guttman Adv. for 6 years in criminal & civil cases without payment .He was presented in all the Israeli court stages include The Israeli Supreme Court.He was also presented in  a civil suit – defamation case against The Official TV1 channel – Reporter named Hanan Azran.Three Judges concluded that "Halemo" is a journalist & owner of a news website.The three judges are Israeli Supreme Court justice Salim Joubran (1 decision), former High Court Justice Tova Strasberg-Cohen head of the Ombudsman of the Israeli Judiciary (2 decisions) & Magistrate Judge in Jerusalem Dr. Avraham Tenenbaum (1 decision).Read about the legal battle of "Halemo" in the US/NYC website at
"Halemo" Defence Lawyer Arrest 5/9/12 - Gag Order Lifted 2/10/12 Hebrew Report in Saved Page 2/10/12
Israeli Blogger Halemo Arrested Again Concern Cyber Crime  Revenge  Issued  by  The Israeli State Attorney`s Office & Israeli Police  - Case  Number 3
Israeli Blogger Halemo Acquitted of All Charges in The Cyber Crime  Revenge Trial Issued  by  The Israeli State Attorney`s Office & Israeli Police  - Case  Number 2
  Israeli Blogger Halemo Acquitted in Haifa by The Honorable Judge Eran Kuton - PDF 19 Pages Hebrew
Israeli Blogger Halemo Acquitted of All Charges in The Cyber Crime  Revenge Trial Issued  by  The Israeli State Attorney`s Office & Israeli Police -  Case Number 1
  Israeli Blogger Halemo Acquitted in Jerusalem by The Honorable Judge Dr. Avraham Tenenbaum - PDF 32 Pages Hebrew
Blogger Halemo Civil Suit v. Israeli Channel 1  25/2/08 - 3 Docs
Defamation Suit Halemo v. Hanan Azran (Channel 1) PDF  Heb.      /     Halemo Affidavit  PDF Heb.     /    Halemo`s Attorney Notice to The Court 25/2/08
Israeli Supreme Court Update on the Blogger Case - 3/6/07
Supreme Court Justice Salim Juobran 3nd Decision in The Blogger Appeal in 3/6/07.  Gave Permission to Supplement Appeal Again and 3nd Time for The Blogger in Order to Present - The Last State Attorny Office/Police Gag Order Fabrication Scandal.Here The 2nd Supp. Arrived in The Supreme Court in May 21,2007 & Today`s  Supreme Court Decision in June 3, 2007 - Both in one Hebrew PDF  - 
AGAIN - Judge ABRAHAM HEIMAN/Ex Cop(Bio) - Violated The Law with Illegal Gag Order
Ex Parte Gag Order on The Blogger Case - 18/1/07   Lifting The Gag Order  -  14/5/07
Report v. Magistrate Judge  - Blogger Handcuffed
Magistrate Judge  DORIT  REICH-SHARIRO Violated The Law 

Special  Report by the Israeli Courts Office of the Complaints Commissioner 


The Official Report in Hebrew PDF:

Blogger Handcuffed During the Arrest Hearng Inside the Courtroom was Against the Law  4/2/07

Justice for All - First Blogger Arrest in Israel 
Israeli Blogger Nightly Arrest  - Cop to the Judge (Ex Cop):
"he did not present us jurnalist licence" (18/9/06)

Background: The Blogger Halemo - Suicide Blogger Story in Israel 2007

Moshe Halevi,  is a recognized Israeli blogger known as Halemo  () . He owns the site, activates bloggers on law and hi-tech topics in the Israeli newspaper Globes, the Tapuz portal, and writes a column for the legal site Netlaw

The Free Speech Truobles - He published once a picture of the last Israeli Supreme Court Boss called Judge Dorit Beinish ( ) under her picture a note said " The Prostitute Comes Back " - No Criminal Charge Filled.

Afterwards he published the Israeli Police Boss  ( )called Moshe Karadi with Nazi Uniform still in the Internet.

Cyber Defamation Clashes 5 & 6/2/06 - Saved Docs & Pics. v. "Yediot Aharonot" - Israeli Police Boss as a Nazi 5 & 6/2/06  - 

From this minute a Suicide Blogger was talking in the Internet.

The Revenge started with the police followed by the court judges.
This is the all the story in this page with amazing documents never seen in the Internet in Israel.
Now the Blogger has to fight against Money of  Most Circulated Newspapers in Israel  that are "violating the law" by publishing banned detail from court trail  without fear as said he did .
He has to fight also Karadi`s Super Loyal Cops & Specially Selected  Justices.
In short - One Israeli Blogger v. Police & Money & Court  - Suicide Blogger Story in Israel 2007.
Needles to say its not Sweden its Israel .
Member in the Israeli Parliament (Knesset) is waiting to the last stage in the Supreme Court filled in 24/1/07.

Arrest of online Bloggers  &  online Journalists
Reporters Without Borders Internet in 2007:Dictatorships get to grips with Web 2.0

Internet Increases Number of Jailed Journalists  -  Amensty Int. for Bloggers  &  Free Speech online

Israeli Censorship Closed Case in Linking Sharon Huging Hitler - Israeli Ynet 8/3/05 - PDF

Basics on Blogger 
What is a Blogger ? Blogger is an On Line  Jurnalist Like Jurnalist in Printed Media - 26/5/06 PDF

In their decision, the judges wrote: "We can think of no workable test or principle that would distinguish 'legitimate' from 'illegitimate' news. Any attempt by courts to draw such a distinction would imperil a fundamental purpose of the First Amendment, which is to identify the best, most important, and most valuable ideas not by any sociological or economic formula, rule of law, or process of government, but through the rough and tumble competition of the memetic marketplace."(Page 36 of the Decision)

Respondent; APPLE COMPUTER, INC., Real Party in Interest. H028579 (Santa Clara County Super. Ct. No. CV032178)

29/12/06 - 
Haifa Uni. Survey - Israelis Dont Trust the Court - Most Circulated Israeli Paper
Mobile  Search Warrant Discovered Accidentally
Isarael's most widely circulated Hebrew language newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" the online edition - Called Ynet in 1/2/07 04:30 East 
Hebrew Tittle: Halemo Case:Mystery - Who Permitted  The Continued Search? 
Link:,7340,L-3359461,00.html#n  &  Ynet in PDF
Special Investigation Report by the Israeli Courts Office of the Complaints Commissioner concern a Mobile Search Warrant favored for the Israeli Police Boss Moshe Karadi , found accidentally.

Insulting Israeli Police Boss in The Internet - Passed to Priority Investigations Inc.

Who is The Liar ?

Isarael's most widely circulated Hebrew language newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" published in Feburary 6 , 2006  ()the Israeli Police Boss  ()called Moshe Karadi with Nazi Uniform , still in the Internet.From this minute a Suicide Blogger  was talking in the Internet.As "Yediot Aharonot" published the Picture said it was upload in, the same day and morning was issued the Mobile Search Warrant.()The  Computers Mobile  Search Warrant - Valid for all the crimes & All the year.
The suspect of uploading the Picture to was the Blogger Halemo ().In spite he did not make this picture - The police wanted to search only his home & computers.Later the picture was published also by TV2 channel in Yair Lapid Program.The police refused to provide the Full Order Photo & was forced by FOIA orders issued in AKO court twice.
The Judge GILIYA RAVID  ()says in the Investigation Report that she did not sign such Mobile Search Warrant.Not Surprisingly Israeli Police spokesman contradicts the judge according to Ynet today.

Report v. Liers

Judge GIIYA RAVID concern The Blogger Search Warrant - In a Special Israeli Courts Office of the Complaints Commissioner Report - 23/1/07(The Judge Says She Did Not Sign The Order)
Judge GILYA RAVID /Ex Cop (Bio)
Basics on the Israeli Blogger & The Court Case Step by Step
Israeli Supreme Court
28/1/07 - First Israeli Blogger Case Arrived in the Israeli Supreme Court

Isarael's most widely circulated Hebrew language newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" the online edition - Called Ynet in 28/1/07 06:34 East 
Hebrew Tittle: Halemo Case Arrived in Supreme Court
Link:,7340,L-3357817,00.html  &  Ynet in PDF

Motion to Return Property - 25/1/07 - Updates 
Anticipated ! 

First Blogger Case Arrived in the Israeli Supreme Court - Israeli Supreme Court Justice The Honorable SALIM JOUBRAN   -   Ordred the Respondent /Israeli National Cyber Crime Unit to Reply within 60 days to the Blogger Permission to Appeal .


Hebrew PDF Documents in Israeli Supreme Court 24 & 25/1/07

Israeli Supreme Court Decision

Supreme Court Justice Salim Juobran Decision -  Gave 60 Days to the Police/State to Reply 25/1/07

Israeli Supreme Court Permission to Appeal

Criminal Permission to Appeal in the Israeli Supreme Court v. Judge Judith Shitzer Refusal to Return the Original Hard Disk Filled by the Blogger - The Blogger Appeal 24/1/07


Note: According to The Israeli Court Law the Supreme Court Judge could cancell the permission in the first day as the Permission to Appeal just arrived. 

Scroll down to the relevant sections & info also in English  on this topic...

English readers will find English Attachment 31 mentioned & attached in the Blogger Last Appeal from 24/1/07 in Page 15 of The Permission to Appeal
The Full US Decision Attachment  31 in The Blogger Permission to Appeal in English

Brave Judges Docs in the Blogger Permission to Appeal
Hall of Fame  -   4Law Exclusive Brave Judges For 4th Amendment
Extraordinary  - Ex Parte Search Warrants in Computer Cases Refused in US & Israel

Honorable Sidney Schenkier  US Magistrate Judge, Illinois 
English Ruling  /  Click the Picture for  Video Music Clip

In re Search of 3817 W. West End, 321 F. Supp. 2d 953 (N.D. Ill. 2004)
The US government had probable cause that a computer system in a private residence contained evidence of alleged tax fraud, however, the court ordered the government to file a protocol, before the computer system could be seized, establishing the manner in which computer forensics would be performed in a manner in which irrelevant information would not be utilized. 

Honorable Jacob Spasser  Israel Magistrate Judge,Beer Sheva 
Hebrew Ruling /  Click the Picture for  Video Music Clip

Ofakim City v. Moshe Darai   Case File  0004868/06 - 22/11/06 unpublished PDF
The Mayor of Ofakim City had probable cause that a computer system in a private residence contained evidence of alleged defamation, however, the court denied request  of the Ofakim City to search and seize the computer system  establishing that such search and seizure are baseless and violate the privacy. 
Israeli Supreme Court Justice The Honorable SALIM JOUBRAN
Report v. Magistrate Judge
Judge ABRAHAM HEIMAN concern The Blogger Search Warrant - In a Special Israeli Courts Office of the Complaints Commissioner Report - 20/12/06 (The Judge Violated the Court Ruls)
Israeli Courts/Office of the Complaints Commissioner Report on Search Orders by Israeli Court 9/05
Criminal Appeal in Tel Aviv District Court v. Judge Gilad Neutal Refusal to Return the Original Hard Disk Filled by the BloggerDecided on  50 Minutes & Priority for the Appeal Hearing by The Honorable Judge Noga Ohad  - Not Suprisingly She was Removed from the Case  - Unknown Reason. The Judge said in the open full Courtroom (The Police did not arrive inspite official ivitation)"I waited for this case,its the most important case for this day for me..."(11/12/06).She was replaced by the Honorable Judge Judith Shitzer - She said in the opening of the appeal in the empty Courtroom "I dont understand in computers..."(27/12/06)Police invited by a special private company hired by the Bloger Attorney.The Hearing was short.Her decision in 10/1/07 - The Blogger Request Denied Needless to say -  The Police even did not arrive to the District Courtroom to hear her decision...
Criminal Appeal in Tel Aviv District Court v. Judge Gilad Neutal Refusal to Return the Original Hard Disk Filled by the Blogger - The Appeal Denied by the Judge Judith Shitzer - The Desicion 10/1/07
Criminal Appeal in Tel Aviv District Court v. Judge Gilad Neutal Refusal to Return the Original Hard Disk Filled by the Blogger - The Court Protocol by the Judge Judith Shitzer - 28/12/06

Meir Haun

Empty courtroom 

In 28/12/06  Morning at 0830 , after delay of one day, the courtroom was full.The judge JUDITH SHITZER asked the Blogger Attorney to wait till she finish the other cases - "You need a long time" she said.At 11:00 the court room was empty,she declared a break for the clerck.At 11:30 she said to the Blogger Attorney "please talk only in summary I read already your appeal" The Israeli Cyber Cops Meir Haun & Nir Elkabez on the Blogger Arrest & Investigation - arrived to the Tel Aviv District Courtroom."Your honor he insulted Dorit Beinish(Israeli Supreme Court Boss Now) ..." said the Cyber Cop Meir Haun to the Judge JUDITH SHITZER in the begining of the  hearing in the empty courtroom in 28/12/06.Not suprisingly these words concern Beinish  are not printed in the court  protocol.

District  Judge on the Appeal for Return Hard Disk -  Judith Shitzer   - `Issue` Date 27/12/06
Unknown Reason
District Judge Noga Ohad was Replaced By District Judge Judith Shitzer 
Israeli  New Bill on "The Exclusionary Rule" for  The Current Evidence Ordinance 6/06

Implementation of the New Jadical Exclusionary Rule  Doctrine (Supreme Court 6/06 Decision) December 2006 in Israeli Court:
Search & Seizure Criminal Case   -  11/12/06      &     Pending  Criminal Case  Procedure  -  6/12/06

Criminal Appeal in Tel Aviv District Court v. Judge Gilad Neutal Refusal to Return the Original Hard Disk Filled by the Blogger - Part 4 concern The Judge Abraham Heiman Report Found in 20/12/06
Criminal Appeal in Tel Aviv District Court v. Judge Gilad Neutal Refusal to Return the Original Hard Disk Filled by the Blogger - Part 3 concern The Judge Abraham Heiman Report Found in 18/12/06
Criminal Appeal in Tel Aviv District Court v. Judge Gilad Neutal Refusal to Return the Original Hard Disk Filled by the Blogger - Part 2 concern The Mobile Search Warrant Found in 15/12/06
Criminal Appeal in Tel Aviv District Court v. Judge Gilad Neutal Refusal to Return the Original Hard Disk Filled by the BloggerDate of the Case in District Court 11/12/06 cancelled
Police Did Not Arrive to The District Court Hearing .
The Judge Noga Ohad Ordered to Invite The police again and Decided in Her Decision on  50 Minutes for This Appeal Hearing & Decided in her Decision to Give Priority to This Appeal Before Other Cases
`Issue` Date Was 11/12/06 
District Judge Noga Ohad was Replaced
District  Judge on the Appeal for Return Hard Disk - Noga Ohad
Israeli  Last Patent - Mobile Search Warrant
20/12/06 - The Exclusive New Computers Mobile  Search Warrant Arrived to The Israeli Parliament (Knesset) to  MK Michael Eitan Member of the Constitution, Law and Justice Committee
Avi Aviv
Israeli Cyber Crime Boss 2007 - Avi Aviv

4Law 10/10/05 - For the first time in the Cyber Crime History - Israeli National Police Boss Moshe Karadi choose a  convicted Internet Offender to replace the last National Cyber Crime Unit Chief. Avi Aviv Convicted in The Israeli  Police Discipline  Appeal High Court  on a charge of sexual harassment of a soldier girl. He downloaded sex pictures of Bill Clinton & Monika Levinski - presented them to the soldier girl .  Story in Isarael's most widely circulated Hebrew language newspaper "Yediot Aharonot".
Aviv -  In Israeli Newspaper 10/10/05a  &  Aviv -  In Israeli Newspaper 10/10/05b    - 

FOIA Photos of the New Computers Mobile  Search Warrant Hidden in the Police

4Law 21/12/06 06:00 East - Implementation of the second FOIA order issued by AKO Court in 19/12/06 discovered a shocking decision . The Alleged original hidden double search order was not signed Ex Parte than by FAX according to this rare document.Under the second FOIA order by AKO court  the Israeli Police was forced today to open the blocked door to take photos of the original new mobile search warrant.The New Computers Mobile  Search Warrant was found today hidden in Northern Israel the Police Attorneys Office for the Galili District.The hidden document was photographed  on the table in the Police Attorney`s Office there.Watch the rare mobile search warrant as it looks in the Police HQ Station Today.This document was issued in favor of  the Israeli Boss -  Alleged The Commissioner Moshe Karadi Insulting in the Iternet.Without conditions.Without date of issue.Without type of crime.Without number of the criminal case.Valid for every thing .Never expires...etc...and the Fax from the Israeli Police HQ on it...Valid  for breaking a house.Valid to take all the Computers...Israeli Judge in double gift for the Israeli Police Boss...What you see here is only the name and address of the Blogger.Stamp of the court and signature.And says that the police can take all the computers.Thats all...and the Police FAX on the search order...

Inside the Israeli Police HQ :

The Hidden Document by Private Digital Camera on The Table  in PDF   -  21/12/06

The Hidden Document by Private Digital Camera on The Table in JPG - 21/12/06

The Hidden Document  from The Police Photo Machine in PDF  -  21/12/06

Police Resist Photos of the New Computers Mobile  Search Warrant

4Law 21/12/06 - New FOIA appeal in AKO Court to take a photo of the original hidden double search order.The Police resist firmly in court to let somebody to take photos of the extraordinary double search order.The AKO court again orderd the Police to let take photos of the original extraordinary double search made for the Commissioner Moshe Karadi insulting.

The extraordinary docs in court on this second request

The second request 17/12/06

The police resist firmly again in the second FOIA request 18/12/06

The police resist firmly  in the first FOIA request 23/11/06

The AKO Court forced again the police to let photos with private digital camera 19/12/06

 New Computers Mobile  Search Warrant Developed in Israeli Court PDF 15/12/06 

4Law 15/12/06 - Scanned offical letter sent from the Israeli Police HQ to the Blogger Halemo and arrived in 14/12/06 confirmed the Mobile Search Warrant Developed by the Police this double search warrant gives the police in Israel for Halemo address double unrestraint power - to destroy an office or a home for any reason they want & to take all the digital media in such place .The docs in Hebrew version only.

The alleged Suspicious for this hidden extraordinary double search order given by the Judge Gilya Ravid:Offending Public Servant .The Police asked the search warrant in order to investigate alleged "insulting a public servant” in the Internet - The officer is not less than the Israeli Police Boss itself The Commissioner Moshe Karadi.

Docs on this topic:

The Court FOIA Order in Printed Version

Israeli Police HQ Official Letter Confirmation on the Mobile Search Order

The Mobile Search Order Attached to The Israeli Police Confirmation

The Israeli Police Official Cover of the Letter & Date 12/12/06

The Current Search and Seizure Computers in the  Israeli Law - 2005

The Bill of  This Search and Seizure Computers in The  Israeli Law - 2005

The Israeli Parliament (Knesset) Protocol on This Bill - 2005  &  Part 2

English Attachments of the Criminal Appeal Part 2 in the Israeli District Court 17/12/06

2/2005  &  3/2004

The Full 3/2004 Decision: In re Search of 3817 W. West End, 321 F. Supp. 2d 953 (N.D. Ill. 2004)

The US Constitution on Such Computer Search Case/1994

4Law 12/12/06 - Under the Israeli FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) - Israeli Court in Ako forced the Israeli Cyber Crime Unit to discover a uniqe hidden mobile search warrant developed by an Israeli judge called Gilya Ravid in Israeli Court of Tel Aviv for Search and Seizure  of Computers in Halemo address.The extraordinary search order never expires & gave permission to break a house or an office in any given time for any reason in order to seize computers .The Israeli FOIA order is granted 26/11/06 by the Honorable Judge ZIAD SALIH  from AKO city  in northern Israel.The extraordinary discovery in this table.

Alleged Illegal Court Search Warrant Used by The Israeli Cyber Crime Unit v. The Blogger: 1 & 2

Israeli Mobile Search Warrant Issued By Israeli Judges for the Israeli Cyber Crime Unit in Halemo Address.

The first is with false Address & without crime detail.
The second found scanned by the Police HQ /The Cyber Crime Unit valid for use all the year - without date of issue never expires without detail of the crime and number of the case file...the judge did not see the case file at all...the search can be without witness.
The second mobile search order received in 7/12/06 under special FOIA court order and only after warning letter sent to the police HQ on Contempt of Court process underway...

The Ako Court FOIA Special Order Forced the Cops to Discover Hidden Mobile Search Warrant

The Mobile Search Warrant used to break the Blogger Home in September 2006 - Patent  1

The Hidden Search Warrant found after Special Ako Court Order - in December 2006 - Patent  2

The first was issued by Judge ABRAHAM HEIMAN/Ex Cop(Bio) 
The second was issued by Judge GILYA RAVID /Ex Cop (Bio)

Blogger Defamation Suit v. TV1
Blogger Defamation Suit v. TV1 Reporter in Tel Aviv Court & TV1 Reaction After the Suit in Court  - 26/11/06

The TV1 Reporter During the Defamation Program  -   22/11/06

Defamation Record of the TV1 Reporter - Jerusalem Court Decision - 13/11/03

Warning Letter on the Blogger Defamation in  TV1 was sent v.Reporter Hanan Azran before the Suit - 22/11/06
Blogger`s Attorney Criminal Complaint v. Israeli Media Haaretz & Maariv
Criminal Complaint Sent to Israeli Police HQ by The Blogger Attorney v. HAARETZ.CO.IL
The reason - The Site published testimony  of a complainant, who claimed that she had been sexually harassed by the Israeli Minister of Justice Haim Ramon, who is now on trial.  -  19/11/06
Alleged Violation Daily Newspaper MAARIV (NRG) On Line  Update 5/10/06 
Israeli State Attorney is Checking the Violation 5/10/06 -  Criminal complaint against NRG.CO.IL  arrived to the Israeli AG Menahem Mazuz concern the alleged violation.The AG ordered the State Attorney Eran Shendar to Check the Case against the NRG.CO.IL Site - Israeli AG Office Reply - PDF
Suspicion that NRG posted on the Internet the face of a complainant, who claimed that she had been sexually harassed by the Israeli President Moshe Katzav , who is now under criminal investigation. Eight women have accused President Moshe Katsav of sexually harassing them.NRG removed the picture from the relevant page but an Israeli Blogger took quick a screenshot of the violation & covered her face.
The Israeli  "NANA" Blogger Page on the Discovery - 26/9/06

Israeli AG is Checking the Violation 27/9/06 -  Criminal complaint against NRG.CO.IL  arrived to the Israeli Attorney General Menahem Mazuz concern the alleged violation. (Israeli Ynet Report)

Suspicion that Tel Aviv Radio FM broadcast  the name of & voice a complainant, who claimed that she had been sexually harassed by the Israeli President Moshe Katzav , who is now under criminal investigation. 
The Israeli Daily  Ynet on the Discovery - 28/8/06  -  PDF
Magistrate  Court  Judges & Cyber Cops in The Blogger Arrest
Court Decision 29/10/06 - Judge Gilad Neutal to the Cyber Cops `all the media back now`.
Note:The police (Nir Elkabez) asked the court in 18/9/06 to seize the Blogger computers  for 90 Days. The Court Judge Aviehai Doron agreed only to  45 days.Today  and after September/October -  jewish holiday season the judge Gilad Neutel ordered to return all the digital media now & copy of 1 hard disk ."Return all the Digital Media Now"  Gilad Neutal Decision - Hebrew Pdf
Judge on the Request for Return Computers - GILAD NEUTAL  - `The Issue` Date 29/10/06 10:00
Judge GILAD NEUTAL 2/12/02: Police Used Fake Court Protocols - Called the Israeli AG - PDF
Cyber Crime Unit Boss - Reply to the Blogger Request in Court - 8/10/06 Hebrew PDF
Request for Return Seized Computers According to Section 34 of  The Criminal Procedure Ordinance (Arrest and Seizure)1969  - 4/10/06 Hebrew in PDF & English Background 

Hebrew Request in RTF

Cyber Crime Unit Boss :Its Legal Search Warrant & Dont Need 90/45 Days Any More...1/10/06
 Israeli MK to Court : Put in Site List of  Publication Ban or Order Restricting Full Reporting of Court 22/5/02
Halemo to MK:Put in Site List of  Publication Ban or Order Restricting Full Reporting of Court 22/5/02
Ako City  Judges Hebrew Decisions in the Request Sent to the Tel Aviv Court 3/10/06 - Jameel Nasir & Moshe Alter
Nasir ordered to Return Computers to Halemo  &  Alter ordered How to Act in Case of Halemo Search Warrant to provide him needed docs...
 Judge JAMEEL NASIR  - Halemo Computers Case  16/1/02  Judge MOSHE ALTER - Halemo Computers Case 21/3/06
Judge ABRAHAM HEIMAN/Ex Cop(Bio) - Official Report:Violated The Law
Free Halemo ! Poster in Flickr.Com
This guy is repeatedly arrested by Israeli Police and accused for all that is wrong on the internet
Tapping Blogger Israeli Style
4Law - Supervision of Prohibited Internet Surfing – The Israeli Solution 
Supervision of Prohibited Internet Surfing – the Israeli Solution     -   23/9/06

Background: Apprehension of the Blogger Halemo

On 18/9/06 Moshe Halevi, a recognized Israeli blogger known as Halemo ()   , was arrested by the Computer Crimes Unit of the Israeli Police. Halemo was very active on the web. He owns the site, activates bloggers on law and hi-tech topics in the Israeli newspaper Globes, the Tapuz portal, and writes a column for the legal site Netlaw
Halemo was arrested on suspicion that he posted on the Internet the name of a complainant, who claimed that she had been sexually harassed by the Israeli Minister of Justice Haim Ramon  ()  , who is now on trial. 
Halemo claimed not guilty and was apprehended by Judge Aviehai Doron for one day, and his computers were seized for 45 days. The investigators requested to have him apprehended for 2 days and that his computers be seized for 3 months.

On 19/6/06 Halemo was brought to court for his release procedure. The investigators requested that in addition to financial guarantees, he should be ordered to refrain from using the Internet for two months. Judge Dorit Reich-Shapiro ordered to release him on bail and to restrict web-surfing for one month. Halemo did not supply the guarantees and refused to comply with the court order. 

On the next day and on 21/9/06 the judge ordered his continued arrest. 
On 22/9/06 his advocate Boaz Guttman ()  submitted a request to re-examine the release decisions, mainly the restriction on Internet use. The defender suggested that one computer (that belonged to another firm) be returned to the defendant, so that he could use the Internet for his work. The advocate suggested that a control and logging program be installed on the returned computer. The software and computer would be controlled by the investigators. Halemo is a computer engineer with no prior criminal convictions. Judge Aviehai Doron accepted the idea, and Halemo was released. 

Appendices: the advocates request and appendices, the decision of Judge Aviehai Doron, the guarantee, professional opinion on how long it would take the police to copy a hard- disk.

Note: This is the first Internet restriction in Israel in which the defendant was allowed to continue his professional use of a computer at home under on-line police supervision. The defendant was allowed to use the Internet only for the purpose of working on a specific project, which he had contracted to a third party. The supervision is for 30 days. The defendant must install the control software (such as PCAnywhere) at his own expense.

Tapping Blogger   - The Docs
Magistrate Decision -  Banned from accessing the Internet except doing bussiness
Israeli   New Court  Decision  22/9/06 English PDF

Israeli Cyber Crime Unit v. Moshe Halevy 22/9/06 English

Israeli Cyber Crime Unit v. Moshe Halevy 22/9/06 Hebrew

Moshe Halevi  v. The Cyber Crime Unit  Tel Aviv Magistrates Court Arrest Case  014800/06 - PDF
Hebrew Court Daily Protocol - The Blogger  5 Days of Arrest HTML & PDF from the Court Site
Day 1 / Doron -   Day 2  /Shapiro -     Day 3  /Shapiro  -    Day 4   /Shapiro  -    Day 5  /Doron
Halemo   - Boaz Guttman Adv.
English Reports on This Case
Court may remand man who posted name of Ramon's accuser on site - HAARETZ  20/9/06

Set Halemo Free! - English-writing Israeli-bloggers »  20/9/06

Hebrew Reports on This Case
Law   22/9/06   -   Ynet   22/9/06  -    Globes 20/9/06   -   NFC  24/9/06  -   NRG (MAARIV)  26/9/06
Halemo outside the Tel Aviv District Jail 22/9/06 Afternoon after release in bail
In Israeli Printed Maariv Daily Newspaper Magazine Front Page/Cover Story 26/9/06
More Pics of Halemo
L. Judge AVIEHAI   DORON/Ex Cop(Bio)  R. Judge DORIT  REICH-SHARIRO /Ex Cop(Bio) - Official Report:Violated The Law

Nir Elkabez

Empty courtroom

"Your honor he painted Karadi (Israeli Police Boss) as a Nazi..." said the Cyber Cop Nir Elkabez to the Judge AVIEHAI   DORON(Ex Cop) in the begining of the nightly arrest hearing in the empty courtroom in 18/9/06.The Israeli Cyber Cops Meir Haun & Nir Elkabez on the Blogger Arrest & Investigation - arrived to the Tel Aviv Magistrate Courtroom.Not suprisingly these words concern Karadi are not printed in the court  protocol.Nir Elkabez  said also to the judge "he did not present us jurnalist licence..."

Other Israeli  Censorship Case
Israeli Censorship Closed Case in Linking Sharon Huging Hitler Israeli Ynet 8/3/05 - PDF
Videos on the Israeli linked Sex Festival/Scandal 
Protecting the Commercial Media
1/2/07 - Judges Slam Media over Coverage of Ramon Charges 

Ramon Defense Shield  - Israeli Media , High Rank Cops & State Attorney Officials

The Tel Aviv court that convicted former Justice Minister Haim Ramon on a charge of sexual harassment also condemned Israeli media for "crossing all the red lines" in covering the trial.
The justices lambasted reporters for transmitting testimony before witnesses heard it, and they accused the media of trying to influence the judges' decision.3 Judges panel said in the conviction of Ex Israeli Minister of Justice in the last page that Police & State Attorney did nothing against the Israeli Media Violators - Publishing Pictures , Banned Protocols & Testimonies...Not new in this club...

Relevant Court Page in Hebrew - Police & State Attorney Made 0 in Law Violations.

The Blogger Attorney sent official criminal complaints & evidence a long time ago against Maariv & Haaretz. on these publishing.Needless to say they received the relevant court orders in time...

 Campaign Crashed - Ramon convicted of forcibly kissing soldier 
The Soldier Condemned Israeli Media & Internet Pics in TV10 Short Clip 1 Min.  - 
H': I can't look at Ramon sexually
"I can't look at Ramon sexually. He's 8 years older than my father," said H', the soldier kissed by former justice minister Haim Ramon, during an interview with Channel 10 on Wednesday evening, following the former justice minister's earlier conviction of committing an indecent act against the 21 year old. When asked why she was reluctant to press charges, H' cited the media treatment of A' in President Moshe Katsav's sexual assault case. "Initially I didn't want to complain. The Katsav case just blew wide open and I saw what [the media] was doing to A'. I didn't want the exposure, photographers chasing me in the street," H' said. H' added that Ramon distorted the truth to stain her reputation and diminish her credibility. Regarding the confrontation in court between the two, H' said: "A minister in the Israeli government sits and makes up an imaginary tale." H' also rejected suggestions that the Ramon case was a plot to oust him from office. "There is no conspiracy; the incident really happened, so how can there be a conspiracy," H' said. H' also rejected the testimonies of the witnesses who threw her character into doubt by quoted the soldier as expressing an admiration for Ramon's personality and appearance. "It's a joke. It [the cafeteria conversation] never happened. What I believe happened is that Ramon looked for 'nasty' details about me. He called me a liar in court [based on these testimonies]." H' was then asked if she felt any pity towards Ramon. "I don't know if I have any compassion left for him. Because of all the slander I suffered at the hands of the media I'm now thinking about myself," she said. "The media was wrong," H' continued. "They should do some serious soul-searching. They called me a bimbo, a flirt, just because I refused to give interviews. It's my right to safeguard my privacy." 

Sex Criminal Haim Ramon Israeli Justice Minister  Convicted  - 

31/1/07 Haim Ramon Israeli Justice Minister  convicted  today on charge of sexually harassing female soldier.The 56-year-old Ramon was charged with sexual misconduct after kissing the 21-year-old woman at a party at the Defense Ministry on the first day of Israel's war  with Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon last summer() ."There are some lines that cannot be crossed," said Judge Hayuta Kochan, who read the unanimous verdict by a three-judge panel. "This was not a kiss of affection. This has all the elements of sexual crime."

Haim Ramon  31/1/07 AFP

 The Israeli President Sex Scandal 5/7/07

Israeli AG Mazuz  Plea Bargain  in The Supreme Court - Hebrew PDF

Moshe Katsav Masturbate in The Israeli President's Residence

Moshe Katsav Masturbate in The Police 20/9/06

Complaintents in Katsav Masturbating

Katsav Masturbating Investigation

Katsav's Masturbating Plea Bargain